教师英文名称:Caiyun Wang


- Zeng Xiangling ,Liu Cai ,Zheng Riru ,Cai Xuan , LuoJing , ZouJingjing and Wang Caiyun*. Emission and Accumulation of Monoterpene and the Key Terpene Synthase (TPS) Associated with Monoterpene Biosynthesis inOsmanthus fragransLour[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 6(13)..
- LiJie , Maarten A. Jongsma,Wang Caiyun*Comparative analysis of pyrethrin content improvement by mass selection, family selection and polycross in pyrethrum(Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch.Bip.] populations.Industrial Crops and Products. 2014, 53: 268–273.
- Zhu G, Yang F, Shi S, Li D, Wang Z, Liu H, Huang D, Wang C.Y..Transcriptome Characterization of Cymbidium sinense 'Dharma' Using 454Pyrosequencing and Its Application in the Identification of Genes Associated with Leaf Color Variation.PLoS One. 2015, 10(6):e0128592. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128592.
- Cai Xuan ,MAIRong-zhang ,ZOUJing-jing ,ZHANGHong-yan , ZENGXiang-ling ,ZHENG Ri-ru ,Wang C.Y.*。Analysis of aroma-active compounds in three sweet osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans) cultivars bygas-chromatography-olfactometryandGC-massspectrometry. ZUJB.2014.15(7):638-648..
- Yang T, Gao L, Hu H, Stoopen G, Wang C.Y., Jongsma MA.Chrysanthemyl Diphosphate Synthase Operates in Planta as a Bifunctional Enzyme with Chrysanthemol Synthase Activity. J Biol Chem. 2014 Dec 26;289(52):36325-35..
- J. Mao, H. Hu, J.J. Qi, M. Xing, R.R. Zheng,Wang C.Y.*. A Systematic Approach to Regeneration and Selection of Four Florist's Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) Cultivars with Different Susceptibility to Aphids.Acta Horticulturae. 977: 345-352.
- Haiping Xin, Benhong Wu, Haohao Zhang, Wang C.Y. Jitao Li, Bo Yang, Shaohua Li . Characterization of volatile compounds in flowers from four groups of sweet osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans) cultivars. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 2013, 93(5): 923-931.
- Ting Yang , Geert Stoopen , Gerrie Wiegers , Jing Mao , Wang C.Y., Marcel Dicke and Maarten A. Jongsma* .Pyrethrins Protect Pyrethrum Leaves against Attack by Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis。Journal of Chemistry Ecology. J Chem Ecol. 2012 April; 38(4): 370–377..
- Li Jie , Yin Liyan, Jongsma M.A., Wang Cai-yun * Effects of seed priming and abiotic stress on germination and vigour of pyrethrum seedlings (Tanacetum cinerariifolium).Industrial Crops and Products.34 (2011): 1543 -1549.
- Abu Kargbo, Wang C.Y.*,Shi-mao Li, Ya-fei Li Rong-zhang Mai,Qiang Fu and Li Li. National legislations and Gender equality in Chinese flower industry. A case study of twenty flower business companies. African Journal of Business Management.2011,5 (3),pp.3369-3374..