Yunliu Zeng
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Yunliu Zeng
Name (English):Yunliu Zeng
Name (Pinyin):Zengyunliu
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学


- Zheng Gang, Yi-Wen Cao, Zi-Ying Zeng, Min Chen, Shu-Tong Yang, Miao-Miao Su, Yun-Liu Zeng, Qin Tian, Zhong-Hua Yang*. Application of novel adsorbents synthesized with polypyrrole in magnetic solid-phase extraction of fungicides from fresh juice and environmental water..Food Chem. 2023 Nov 10;437,
- Lu Feng, Juan Liu, Chao Li, Yang Lin, Jiasen Cheng, Jiatao Xie, Bo Li, Yunliu Zeng, Yanping Fu*. Neofusicoccum actinidiae and N. guttata are two new species causing kiwifruit rot in China..Plant Disease. 2023 29: PDIS12212833RE. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2833-RE,
- Wang X, Zeng Y*, Ross RA, Nieuwenhuizen NJ (2021) TPS-b family genes involved in signature aroma terpenes emission in ripe kiwifruit..1)Plant Signaling & Behavior,;,
- 罗双; 韩倩容; 陈言; 戢小梅; 刘杰; 米绪凯; 程运江; 邓秀新; 蔡礼鸿; 张雅娟*; 曾云流*. 丰产、高抗病的加工型猕猴桃新品种‘金塘一号’..园艺学报. 2023,50(sup2): 23-24,
- 金科;郭志强*;曾云流*;丁港,结合三维卷积神经网络和Haar小波滤波器的高光谱猕猴桃品质分类[J]..激光与光电子学进展2023, 60(20):2010003. DOI:10.3788/LOP223142,
- 何斌, 徐勤超, 戢小梅, 王小玲, 张文东, 程运江, 曾云流*. 气调保鲜技术在猕猴桃贮藏保鲜中的应用进展[J]..园艺学报, 2023, 50(9): 1916-1928.,
- Man Zhu, Yang Wang, Zhebin Zeng, Xi Wu, Jiacheng Teng, Jingzong Zhang, Qianrong Han, Qiaoli Ma, Chuanwu Chen, Yunjiang Cheng, Xiuxin Deng, Niels J. Nieuwenhuizen, Cui Xiao*, Yunliu Zeng*, Ross G. Atkinson. A natural mutant kumquat fruit with abnormal oil glands shows lower volatile production, better fruit flavor and higher resistance to postharvest disease..Postharvest Biology and Technology, Accepted, 2023.,
- Liu Y, Ye J, Zhu M, Atkinson RG, Zhang Y, Zheng X, Lu J, Cao Z, Peng J, Shi C, Xie Z, Larkin RM, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Chen C, Wang R, Luo X, Cheng Y, Deng X*, Zeng Y*. Multi-omics analyses reveal the importance of chromoplast plastoglobules in carotenoid accumulation in citrus fruit..Plant Journal. 2023 Oct 30. doi: 10.1111/tpj.16519.,
- Ang Li, Jiajia Lin, Zhebin Zeng, Zhiping Deng, Jinjuan Tan, Xiaoya Chen, Gang Ding, Man Zhu, Bin Xu, Ross G. Atkinson, Niels J. Nieuwenhuizen, Charles Ampomah-Dwamena, Yunjiang Cheng, Xiuxin Deng, Yunliu Zeng* The kiwifruit amyloplast proteome (kfALP): A resource to better understand the mechanisms underlying amyloplast biogenesis and differentiation..Plant Journal, Accepted, 2023,
- Dong-Dong Zhou, Yi-Wen Cao, Min Chen, Lv-Yun Zhuang, Dai-Zhu Lv, Ming-Yue Wang, Zhong-Hua Yang*, Yun-Liu Zeng*. Determination of azole fungicide residues in fruits and vegetables by magnetic solid phase extraction based on magnetic MOF sorbent in combination with high performance liquid chromatography.Microchemical Journal 187(2023)108459,