Yunliu Zeng
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Yunliu Zeng
Name (English):Yunliu Zeng
Name (Pinyin):Zengyunliu
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学


- 曾云流, 猕猴桃贮藏保鲜技术规范(2021).果农之友,2021,138-39.
- 吴麒宇; 祁春节; 程运江; 蔡礼鸿; 曾云流* (2021). COVID-19新冠疫情对全球猕猴桃商贸影响剖析.果树学报,2021,
- Zeng Y, Xueren Yin (2021) Chinese horticulture: From basic research to industrial applications.New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science,2021,
- Gong J#, Zeng Y# (co-first author) et al (2021) Red light-induced citrus fruit colouration is attributable to increased carotenoid metabolism regulated by the NAC transcription factor FcrNAC22..Journal of Experimental Botany 10.1093/jxb/erab283,2021,
- Qihua Ling, Najiah Mohd. Sadali, Ziad Soufi, Yuan Zhou, Binquan Huang, Yunliu Zeng, Manuel Rodriguez-Concepcion & Paul Jarvis* (2021) The chloroplast-associated protein degradation pathway controls chromoplast development and fruit ripening in tomato.Nature Plants,2021,7655–666.
- Wang X, Zeng Y*, Ross RA, Nieuwenhuizen NJ. (2021) TPS-b family genes involved in signature aroma terpenes emission in ripe kiwifruit..Plant Signaling & Behavior,2021,
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Chromoplast Differentiation Reveals Complex Protein Changes Associated with Plastoglobule Biogenesis and Remodeling of Protein Systems in Sweet Orange Flesh.PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2015,
- Phosphoproteomic analysis of chromoplasts from sweet orange during fruit ripening.PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,2014,
- A proteomic analysis of the chromoplasts isolated from sweet orange fruits [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck].JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2011,
- Yunliu Zeng, Mindy Wang, Denise C. Hunter, Adam J. Matich, Peter A. McAtee, Mareike Knäble, Cyril Hamiaux, Elizabeth A. Popowski, Sara R. Jaeger, Niels J. Nieuwenhuizen, Yar-Khing Yauk, Ross G. Atkinson*. Sensory-directed genetic & biochemical characterization of volatile terpene production in kiwifruit.Plant Physiol, 2020;DOI: