Dr. Bibo Zhu obtained his Ph.D. in College of Veterinary Medicine at Huazhong Agricultural University. He did post-doc training in Dr. Jie Sun Lab at Indiana University and Mayo Clinic, and got promotion for Research Assistant Professor at University of Virginia. His research interests lie in the cellular, molecular, and metabolic mechanisms that govern tissue resident macrophage function and self-renewal during respiratory viral infection including SARS-CoV-2.
Dr. Zhu's main academic contributions to the field include:
1. Demonstrated the molecular mechanisms by which transcription factor circuit regulated lung tissue
resident macrophage fate and function;
2. Investigated the molecular mechanisms by which pyruvate metabolism modulated lung resident
macrophage inflammation and tissue damage and/or repair;
3. Revealed the excessive neutrophil accumulation in respiratory tract by activated lung resident
macrophages was key in influenza pathogenesis.
In the past several years, Dr. Zhu, as first or co-first author, has 10 papers published in high profile journals,
such as Immunity (2021), Science Immunology (2023), PNAS (2019),
Annual Review of Immunology (2023), etc. The full publication list as follows: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/bibo.zhu.1/bibliography/public/.
In 2023, Dr. Zhu joined College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University as professor.
The future work in his lab will focus on the interaction between animal macrophages and pathogens of
critical infectious diseases in livestock and poultry, identifying the phenotype and function of animal
macrophages, revealing molecular mechanisms regulating phenotype transition and lipid metabolism
of macrophages following viruses infection, which will provide potential therapeutic target and new ideas
for the development of novel vaccines and drugs for animal infectious diseases.
Dr. Zhu was an active reveiwer for Immunology and Virology journals. He is a guest editor for Vaccines (2023). Dr. Zhu received grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China.