

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZwFpTEcAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
1)Dingding Yao, Haiping Yang, Qiang Hu, Yingquan Chen, Hanping Chen, Paul T Williams. Carbon nanotubes from post-consumer waste plastics: Investigations into catalyst metal and support material characteristics. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2021, 280:119413. (ESI高被引)
2)Dingding Yao, He Li, Yanjun Dai, Chi-Hwa Wang. Impact of temperature on the activity of Fe-Ni catalysts for pyrolysis and decomposition processing of plastic waste. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 408:127268. (ESI高被引)
3)Dingding Yao, He Li, Babu Cadiam Mohan, Arun Kumar Prabhakara, Yanjun Dai, Chi-Hwa Wang. Conversion of waste plastic packings to carbon nanomaterials: investigation into catalyst material, waste type, and product applications. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2022, 10: 1125-1136.(ESI高被引)
4)Dingding Yao, Yeshui Zhang, Paul T. Williams, Haiping Yang, Hanping Chen. Co-production of hydrogen and carbon nanotubes from real-world waste plastics: Influence of catalyst composition and operational parameters. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2018, 221:584-591. (ESI高被引)
5)Dingding Yao, Haiping Yang, Hanping Chen, Paul T. Williams. Co-precipitation, impregnation and so-gel preparation of Ni catalysts for pyrolysis-catalytic steam reforming of waste plastics. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2018, 239:565-577.
6)Le Zhang#, Dingding Yao#, To-Hung Tsui, Kai-Chee Loh, Chi-Hwa Wang, Yanjun Dai, Yen Wah Tong*. Plastic-containing food waste conversion to biomethane, syngas, and biochar via anaerobic digestion and gasification: Focusing on reactor performance, microbial community analysis, and energy balance assessment. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 306: 114471. (# Both authors contributed equally)
7)Yingchao Hu, Ruicheng Fu, Wenqiang Liu, Dingding Yao*, Shuiping Yan*. Lithium-based ceramics in nonsilicates for CO2 capture: current status and new trends. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2022.9)Yeshui Zhang, Hualun Zhu, Dingding Yao, Paul T Williams, Chunfei Wu, Dan Xu, Qiang Hu, George Manos, Lu Yu, Ming Zhao, Paul Shearing, Dan Brett. Thermo-chemical conversion of carbonaceous waste for CNT and hydrogen productions: A review. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2021.
8)Juniza Md. Saad, Paul T. Williams, Ye Shui Zhang, Dingding Yao, Haiping Yang, Hui Zhou, Comparison of waste plastics pyrolysis under nitrogen and carbon dioxide atmospheres: A thermogravimetric and kinetic study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2021,156:105135.
9)Dingding Yao, Chi-Hwa Wang*. Pyrolysis and in-line catalytic decomposition of polypropylene to carbon nanomaterials and hydrogen over Fe-and Ni-based catalysts. Applied Energy. 2020, 265:114819.
10)Qiang Hu, Ziyue Tang, Dingding Yao*, Haiping Yang*, Jingai Shao, Hanping Chen, Thermal behavior, kinetics and gas evolution characteristics for the co-pyrolysis of real-world plastic and tyre wastes. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020: 121102. (*Corresponding Authors)
11)Ning Cai, Haiping Yang, Xiong Zhang, Sunwen Xia, Dingding Yao, Pietro Bartocci, Francesco Fantozzi, Yingquan Chen, Hanping Chen, Paul T. Williams. Bimetallic carbon nanotube encapsulated Fe-Ni catalysts from fast pyrolysis of waste plastics and their oxygen reduction properties. Waste Management. 2020, 109: 119-126.
12)Daqian Wang, Bin Li, Haiping Yang, Chuang Zhao, Dingding Yao, Hanping Chen. Influence of biochar on the steam reforming of biomass volatiles: effects of activation temperature and atmosphere. Energy & Fuels. 2019, 33: 2328-2334.
13)Dingding Yao, Haiping Yang*, Hanping Chen, Paul T. Williams*. Investigation of nickel-impregnated zeolite catalysts for hydrogen/syngas production from the catalytic reforming of waste polyethylene. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2018, 227:477-487.
14)Dingding Yao, Chunfei Wu, Haiping Yang, Yeshui Zhang, Mohamad A. Nahil, Yingquan Chen, Paul T. Williams, Hanping Chen. Co-production of hydrogen and carbon nanotubes from catalytic pyrolysis of waste plastics on Ni-Fe bimetallic catalyst. Energy Conversion and Management. 2017, 148:692-700.
15)Dingding Yao, Qiang Hu, Daqian Wang, Haiping Yang, Chunfei Wu, Xianhua Wang, Hanping Chen. Hydrogen production from biomass gasification using biochar as a catalyst/support. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 216:159-64.
16)Dingding Yao, Chunfei Wu, Haiping Yang, Qiang Hu, Mohamad A. Nahil, Hanping Chen, Paul T. Williams. Hydrogen production from catalytic reforming of the aqueous fraction of pyrolysis bio-oil with modified Ni–Al catalysts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014, 39(27): 14642-14652.