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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):姚丁丁
Name (Pinyin):Yao Dingding
Professional Title:Associate professor
Business Address:新工科楼G526
Alma Mater:华中科技大学
Teacher College:College of Engineering
Discipline:Thermal Engineering    Agricultural Biological Environment and Energy Engineering    
Other Contact Information:





Dingding Yao is currently an Associate Professor in College of Engineering at Huazhong Agricultural University. She obtained her PhD in Thermal Engineering from SKLCC at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2018. She also had one year’s study as a Visiting Researcher on an EPSRC-funded project, in Professor Paul T. Williams’ group at University of Leeds. Following completion of PhD, she worked as a Postdoc Research Fellow in a NRF-funded project (E2S2) under Professor Chi-Hwa Wang and Prof Tong Yen Wah at National University of Singapore. In 2021/01, she joined Huazhong Agricultural University as Associate Professor.

She has published more than 20 academic papers in the area of energy and environmental engineering, focusing on thermo-chemical conversion of solid waste, including plastic and biomass pyrolysis, gasification and catalysis. She has more than 1000 citations to her work. She has broad collaboration network with many top universities for example, National University of Singapore, University of Leeds, Queen's University Belfast, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In addition, Dingding acts as reviewer for many journals such as Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, etc.

Warmly welcome enquiries from motivated and qualified applicants who are interested in Master study or collaboration research. Our research fundings allow you to search for scholarships and research projects.

Educational Experience

[1] 2012.9——2018.9
华中科技大学 > 热能工程 > Doctoral Degree in Engineering > 工学博士学位
[2] 2016.11——2017.11
University of Leeds > Environmental Engineering

Work Experience

[1] 2018.11-2020.11
research fellow 

[2] 2021.1-Now

Social Affiliations

[1] 2023.4-Now
[2] 2023.1-Now
国际期刊Carbon Capture Science & Technology新闻媒体副主编


担任Journal of Cleaner Production、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等多个环境能源领域国际期刊审稿人