谢为博,华中农业大学信息学院教授,作物遗传改良全国重点实验室固定研究人员(2010-),国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者(2019),湖北省创新群体项目主持人(2023),获校研究生指导教师“教书育人奖”(2020)。研究领域为系统遗传学、计算基因组学和人工智能生物学,主要从事作物优异基因挖掘和功能解析的方法开发及育种技术创新研究。开发了多项挖掘作物优异基因的新方法,系统鉴定了水稻育种过程中受选择的基因组位点,首次在水稻中开展了“非必需基因组”研究,为进一步挖掘利用作物优异遗传变异提供了重要靶点和新途径。发布了水稻基因组序列变异的功能效应图谱RiceVarMap和植物中首个基于深度学习模型预测基因组序列变异调控效应的网络服务PlantDeepSEA,作为主要设计人员合作开发了全球第一款水稻育种芯片和后续多款育种芯片,被《光明日报》评为2012年度“十大科技瞬间”,获得发明专利5项,为进一步研究与利用作物种质资源提供了新的平台和工具。主持国家自然科学基金5项,国家科技创新2030课题、国家重点研发计划课题和国家863计划专项子课题等10余项。发表科学研究论文90余篇,被引用1万余次,H-index为50。相关研究被Nature Plants、Genome Biology等杂志列为研究亮点,入选ESI Top 1%高被引论文和Top 1‰热点论文。
ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2768-3572
Google scholar http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=I5zjYOUAAAAJ
Xu X#, Jia Q#, Li S#, Wei J, Ming L, Yu Q, Jiang J, Zhang P, Yao H, Wang S, Xia C, Wang K*, Jia Z*, Xie W*. Redefining the accumulated temperature index for accurate prediction of rice flowering time in diverse environments. Plant Biotechnol J, 2024, doi:10.1111/pbi.14498 (重定义积温指数实现水稻抽穗期跨环境精准预测)
Zhu T#, Xia C#, Yu R, Zhou X, Xu X, Wang L, Zong Z, Yang J, Liu Y, Ming L, You Y, Chen D*, Xie W*. Comprehensive mapping and modelling of the rice regulome landscape unveils the regulatory architecture underlying complex traits. Nat Commun, 2024, 15: 6562 (绘制迄今最全面的水稻染色质可及性图谱,构建深度学习模型)
Liu Y, Zhan J, Li J, Lian M, Li J, Xia C, Zhou F, Xie W*. Characterization of the DNA accessibility of chloroplast genomes in grasses. Commun Biol, 2024, 7: 760 (意外发现,绘制叶绿体DNA可及性图谱)
Ming L#, Fu D#, Wu Z, Zhao H, Xu X, Xu T, Xiong X, Li M, Zheng Y, Li G, Yang L, Xia C, Zhou R, Liao K, Yu Q, Chai W, Li S, Liu Y, Wu X, Mao J, Wei J, Li X, Wang L, Wu C*, Xie W*. Transcriptome-wide association analyses reveal the impact of regulatory variants on rice panicle architecture and causal gene regulatory networks. Nat Commun, 2023, 14: 7501 (开发TWAS新方法鉴定水稻穗型变异的因果基因及其调控网络)
Tan Z, Peng Y, Xiong Y, Xiong F, Zhang Y, Guo N, Tu Z, Zong Z, Wu X, Ye J, Xia C, Zhu T, Liu Y, Lou H, Liu D, Lu S, Yao X, Liu K, Snowdon RJ, Golicz AA, Xie W*, Guo L*, Zhao H*. Comprehensive transcriptional variability analysis reveals gene networks regulating seed oil content of Brassica napus. Genome Biol, 2022, 23: 233 (揭示油菜含油量的基因调控网络)
Wang P#, Qi F#, Yao H#, Xu X, Li W, Meng J, Zhang Q, Xie W*, Xing Y*. Fixation of hybrid sterility genes and favorable alleles of key yield-related genes with dominance contribute to the high yield of the Yongyou series of intersubspecific hybrid rice. J Genet Genomics, 2022, 49: 448-457 (解析甬优籼粳交杂种高产的遗传基础)
Yu H, Li M, Sandhu J, Sun G, Schnable JC, Walia H, Xie W*, Yu B*, Mower JP*, Zhang C*. Pervasive misannotation of microexons that are evolutionarily conserved and crucial for gene function in plants. Nat Commun, 2022, 13: 820 (植物微外显子分析)
Zhao H, Li J, Yang L, Qin G, Xia C, Xu X, Su Y, Liu Y, Ming L, Chen L, Xiong L and Xie W*. An inferred functional impact map of genetic variants in rice. Mol Plant, 2021, 14: 1584 (构建水稻基因组序列变异的功能效应图谱,通过深度学习模型首次系统注释水稻非编码变异的调控效应,ESI高被引)
Zhao H#, Tu Z#, Liu Y, Zong Z, Li J, Liu H, Xiong F, Zhan J, Hu X, Xie W*. PlantDeepSEA, a deep learning-based web service to predict the regulatory effects of genomic variants in plants. Nucleic Acids Res, 2021, 49: W523 (植物中首个基于深度学习模型预测基因组序列变异调控效应的网络服务)
Tang S#, Zhao H#, Lu S, Yu L, Zhang G, Zhang Y, Yang Q, Zhou Y, Wang X, Ma W, Xie W*, Guo L*. Genome- and transcriptome-wide association studies provide insights into the genetic basis of natural variation of seed oil content in Brassica napus. Mol Plant, 2021, 14: 470 (开发算法POCKET鉴定GWAS候选基因,揭示油菜籽粒含油量自然变异的遗传基础,ESI高被引)
Liu C, Tu Y, Liao S, Fu X, Lian X, He Y, Xie W*, Wang G*. Genome-wide association study of flowering time reveals complex genetic heterogeneity and epistatic interactions in rice. Gene, 2021, 770: 145353 (水稻品种抽穗期的遗传异质性和互作分析)
Zhu T#, Liao K#, Zhou R#, Xia C, Xie W*. ATAC-seq with unique molecular identifiers improves quantification and footprinting. Commun Biol, 2020, 3: 675 (开发UMI-ATAC-seq技术,更准确地定量染色质可及性和鉴定转录因子足迹)
Yao W, Li G, Zhao H, Wang G, Lian X, Xie W*. Exploring the rice dispensable genome using a metagenome-like assembly strategy. Genome Biol, 2015, 16: 187 (基于1483份水稻材料群体水平首次探索水稻泛基因组,当期杂志配发亮点评论"Harvesting rice's dispensable genome")
Xie W#, Wang G#, Yuan M, Yao W, Lyu K, Zhao H, Yang M, Li P, Zhang X, Yuan J, Wang Q, Liu F, Dong H, Zhang L, Li X, Meng X, Zhang W, Xiong L, He Y, Wang S, Yu S, Xu C, Luo J, Li X, Xiao J, Lian X*, Zhang Q*. Breeding signatures of rice improvement revealed by a genomic variation map from a large germplasm collection. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2015, 112: E5411-E5419 (揭示水稻改良的"育种印迹",Nature Plants配发亮点评论"Rice breeding: Signature analysis")
Zhao H, Yao W, Ouyang Y, Yang W, Wang G, Lian X, Xing Y, Chen L, Xie W*. RiceVarMap: a comprehensive database of rice genomic variations. Nucleic Acids Res, 2015, 43: D1018-1022
Wang Q#, Xie W#, Xing H, Yan J, Meng X, Li X, Fu X, Xu J, Lian X, Yu S, Xing Y, Wang G*. Genetic Architecture of Natural Variation in Rice Chlorophyll Content Revealed by a Genome-Wide Association Study. Mol Plant, 2015, 8: 946-957
Chen W#, Gao Y#, Xie W#, Gong L#, Lu K#, Wang W, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Dong H, Zhang W, Zhang L, Yu S, Wang G, Lian X*, Luo J*. Genome-wide association analyses provide genetic and biochemical insights into natural variation in rice metabolism. Nat Genet, 2014, 46: 714-721 (ESI高被引)
Yu H#, Xie W#, Li J, Zhou F*, Zhang Q*. A whole-genome SNP array (RICE6K) for genomic breeding in rice. Plant Biotechnol J, 2014, 12: 28-37
Chen H#, Xie W#, He H#, Yu H#, Chen W, Li J, Yu R, Yao Y, Zhang W, He Y, Tang X*, Zhou F*, Deng X W*, Zhang Q*. A High-Density SNP Genotyping Array for Rice Biology and Molecular Breeding. Mol Plant, 2014, 7: 541-553 (ESI高被引)
Xie W, Feng Q, Yua H, Huang X, Zhao Q, Xing Y, Yu S, Han B, Zhang Q*. Parent-independent genotyping for constructing an ultrahigh-density linkage map based on population sequencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2010, 119: 151-164