教师英文名称:Yanping Wang
- 产祝龙*,王艳平, 向林. 2021. 荷兰国花郁金香,跋山涉水自天山. 中国花卉园艺, 492: 32-34..
- 黄玲, 胡先梅, 梁泽慧, 王艳平, 产祝龙*, 向林*. 2022. 郁金香花青素合成酶基因TgANS的克隆与功能鉴定.园艺学报,49(9),1935-1944..
- 产祝龙*, 向林,王艳平. 2022. 郁金香种质资源、育种进展及种球国产化思考. 华中农业大学学报, 41(2):144-150..
- 陈欣晨, 赵慧敏, 王森, 邬思敏, 向林, 产祝龙, 王艳平*. 2022. 不同温度对郁金香花芽分化的影响及相关基因表达分析. 园艺学报,已接收。.
- Liu Mengyao, Sun Tianxiao, Liu Chunling, Zhang Hui, Wang Weiliang, Wang Yanping, Xiang Lin, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. Integrated physiological and transcriptomic analyses of two warm- and cool-season turfgrass species in response to heat stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 170: 275-286..
- Fang Zhengfu#, Liu Chunling#, Ye Tiantian, Huang Chao, Zhang Zhewei, Wang Yanping, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. Integrated transcriptome and proteome analyses provide insight into abiotic stress crosstalks in bermudagrass. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 199: 104864..
- Wang Yanping, Li Jinzhu, Yang Li, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. Melatonin antagonizes cytokinin responses to stimulate root growth in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10663-9..
- Meng Lin,,Yang Haipo,Xiang Lin.Meng Lin, Yang Haipo, Xiang Lin, Wang Yanping*, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. NAC transcription factor TgNAP promotes tulip petal senescence. Plant Physiology, 190:1960-1977..Plant Physiology,2022,(190):1960-1977.
- Wang Yanping, Fang Zhengfu, Chan zhulong*. 2021. Transcriptional variation analysis of Arabidopsis ecotypes in response to drought and salt stresses dissects commonly regulated networks. Physiologia Plantarum, DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13295.
- Yang Li, Sun Qi, Wang Yanping*, Chan Zhulong*. 2020. Global transcriptomic network of melatonin regulated root growth in Arabidopsis. Gene, doi: 10.1016/j. 2020.145082..