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教师英文名称:Yanping Wang

王艳平,副教授,中共党员,女,博士,硕士生导师。2011年在武汉大学获发育生物学博士学位;2011-2016年在中科院武汉植物园历任助理研究员和副研究员;2016-今,华中农业大学园艺林学学院副教授、硕士生导师。获得国家自然科学基金、中科院先导专项、中央高校自主科研创新基金等的支持。在国际植物学权威期刊The Plant JournalPlant PhysiologyNew PhytologistJournal of Experimental Botany以及《园艺学报》等杂志上发表多篇研究论文,多篇论文被引超过150/篇。申请发明专利9项。主持及参与制定省级技术标准3项。主讲园林专业特色课程《园林植物生物技术》、《园林植物遗传育种学》、创新实验课《鲜切花保鲜技术研发和效果评价》;主持《园林植物生物技术》、《园林植物育种学实验》MOOC在线课程建设;参与多门研究生课程的授课。







1. 专利及技术标准:

   (1)一种球根花卉休眠解除相关基因(DRR1)及其应用,专利授权号:ZL 2020 1 0056240.9;发明人:王艳平,产祝龙,赵慧敏;

   (2)一种新疆野生郁金香的组培和鳞茎再生方法,专利授权号:ZL 2020 1 0204397.1;发明人:产祝龙,王艳平,孙琪;

   (3)一种郁金香胚轴愈伤组织的诱导及再生方法,专利授权号:ZL 202211339300.3;发明人:王艳平,王森,杨江涛,黄含笑,谭明慧,刘开意;

    (4)一种球根花卉开花调控和花瓣衰老的相关基因及其应用,专利授权号:ZL 202210271068.8, 发明人:王艳平,产祝龙,陈欣晨,王森;


       (6)一种调控叶片衰老的黑麦草LpAGO4基因及其应用,专利授权号:ZL 202211616406.3;发明人:产祝龙,孙天晓,王艳平,向林;


      (8)主要鲜切花采后处理技术规程:第四部分 郁金香,2022年湖北省地方标准,T-Z-01-2022013,主持制定;



2. 论文(近五年,#co-first author*corresponding author):

 (1) Meng Lin, Yang Haipo, Yang Jinli, Wang Yaping, Ye Tiantian, Xiang Lin, Chan Zhulong*, Wang Yanping*. 2024. Tulip transcription factor TgWRKY75 activates salicylic acid and abscisic acid biosynthesis to synergistically promote petal senescece. Journal of Experimental Botany, 75:: 2435-2450.

 (2) Meng Lin, Yang Haipo, La Yue, Wu Yikun, Ye Tiantian, Wang Yaping, Xiang Lin, Qu Lianwei*, Chan Zhulong*, Wang Yanping*. 2024. Transcriptional modules and hormonal metabolisms reveal the key role of TgHB12-like in regulation of flower opening and petal senescence in Tulipa gesneriana. Horticulture Advances,2:18.

(3) Yang Jinli, La Yue, He Tiancan, Yang Haipo, Huo Xinyi, Xiang Lin, Qu Lianwei, Cui Guangfen, Chan Zhulong, Xing Guimei*, Wang Yanping*. 2024. Variations of salt stress responses and functional identification of TgPYR1-like8 in Tulipa gesneriana. Scientia Horticulturae, 330:113104.

(4) Sun qi, Zhang bei, Xiang Lin, Wang Yanping*, Chan Zhulong*. 2024. Auxin Receptor TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE1 Promotes Tulip  Plant Growth and Bulb Swelling. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-024-11426-4. 

(5) Hu Xianmei, Sun Tianxiao, Liang Zehui, Zhang Hengbin, Fu Qiang, Wang Yanping, Chan Zhulong*, Xiang Lin*. 2023. Transcription factors TgbHLH42-1 and TgbHLH42-2 positively regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.). Physiologia Plantarum, 175, 3: e13939.

(6) Hu Xianmei, Liang Zehui, Sun Tianxiao, Huang Ling, Wang Yanping, Chan Zhulong*, Xiang Lin*. 2024. The R2R3-MYB transcriptional repressor TgMYB4 negatively regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis in tulips (Tulipa gesneriana L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25:563.

(7) Meng Lin, Yang Haipo, Xiang Lin, Wang Yanping*, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. NAC transcription factor TgNAP promotes tulip petal senescence. Plant Physiology, 190: 1960-1977.

(8) Wang Yanping#, Li Jinzhu#, Yang Li, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. Melatonin antagonizes cytokinin responses to stimulate root growth in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 10.1007/s00344-022-10663-9.

 (9) Sun Qi, Zhang Bei, Yang Chaolong, Wang Weiliang, Xiang Lin*, Wang Yanping*, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. Jasmonic acid biosynthetic genes TgLOX4 and TgLOX5 are involved in daughter bulb development in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana). Horticulture Research, uhac006.

 (10) Fang Zhengfu#, Liu Chunling#, Ye Tiantian, Huang Chao, Zhang Zhewei, Wang Yanping, Chan Zhulong*. 2022. Integrated transcroptome and proteome analyses provide insight  into abiotic stress crosstalks in bermudagrass. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 199: 104864.

(11) Wang Yanping, Fang Zhengfu, Chan Zhulong*. 2021. Transcriptional variation analysis of Arabidopsis ecotypes in response to drought and salt stresses dissects commonly regulated networks. Physiologia Plantarum, DOI: 10.1111 /ppl.13295.

(12) Yang Li, You Jun, Wang Yanping*, Chan Zhulong*. 2021. Melatonin promotes Arabidopsis primary root growth in an IAA-dependent manner. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72:5599-5611. (高被引论文).

(13) Yang Li, Sun Qi, Wang Yanping*, Chan Zhulong*. 2021. Global transcriptomic network of melatonin regulated root growth in Arabidopsis. Gene, doi: 10.1016/j. 2020.145082.

(14) Wang Yaping#, Zhao Huimin#, Liu Chunli, Cui Guangfen, Qu Lianwei, Bao Manzhu, Chan Zhulong*, Wang Yanping*. 2020. Integrating physiological and metabolites analysis to identify ethylene involvement in petal senescence in Tulipa gesneriana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 149: 121-131.

(15) Wang Yanping, Zhao Huimin, Wang Yaping, Yu Siyuan, Zheng Yuanchao, Wang Wenen, Chan Zhulong*. 2019. Comparative physiological and metabolomic analyses reveal natural variations of tulip in response to storage temperatures. Planta, 249: 1379–1390.

(16) Wang Yanping, Reiter RJ, Chan Zhulong*. 2018. Phytomelatonin: a universal abiotic stress regulator. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69: 963-974.  (高被引论文).

(17) 霍信屹,陈欣晨,赵慧敏,向林,产祝龙*,王艳平*. 2025. 郁金香叶肉原生质体的分离纯化与瞬时转化方法. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),DOI10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2024.09.241.

(18) 田栩瑞, 霍信屹, 郭云涵, 向林, 产祝龙*, 王艳平*. 2025. 百合 LoSAUR10 基因的表达特征及功能分析. 2025. 生物技术通报,41(1):221-229.

(19) 陈欣晨, 赵慧敏, 王森, 邬思敏, 向林, 产祝龙, 王艳平*. 2023. 不同温度对郁金香花芽分化的影响及相关基因表达分析. 园艺学报,50:1037-1047.

(20) 产祝龙*, 向林, 王艳平. 2022. 郁金香种质资源、育种进展及种球国产化思考. 华中农业大学学报41(2)144-150.

(21) 产祝龙*, 王艳平, 向林. 2021. 荷兰国花郁金香,跋山涉水自天山. 中国花卉园艺492: 32-34.

(22) 黄玲, 胡先梅, 梁泽慧, 王艳平, 产祝龙*, 向林*. 2022. 郁金香花青素合成酶基因TgANS的克隆与功能鉴定.园艺学报49:1935-1944.   


  (23) Wang Yanping, Yang Li, Chen Xi, Ye Tiantian, Zhong Bao, Liu Ruijie, Wu Yan, Chan Zhulong*. Major latex protein-like protein 43 (MLP43) functions as a positive regulator during abscisic acid responses and confers drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016. 67:421-434.

(24) Chan Zhulong, Wang Yanping, Cao Mingjie, Gong Y, Mu Zixin, Wang H, Hu Y, Deng X, He XJ, Zhu Jian-Kang. RDM4 modulates cold stress resistance in Arabidopsis partially through the CBF-mediated pathway. New Physiologist, 2016. 209: 1527-1539.

(25) Wang Yanping#, Shen Wenzhong#, Chan Zhulong, Wu Yan*. Endogenous cytokinin overproduction modulates ROS homeostasis and decreases salt stress resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015. doi: 10.3389/fpls. 2015.01004.

(26) Ye Tiantian, Shi Haitao, Wang Yanping, Chan Zhulong*. Contrasting changes caused by drought and submergence stresses in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 951.

(24) Wang Yanping, Li Lin, Ye Tiantian, Lu Yuming, Chen Xi, Wu Yan*. The inhibitory effect of ABA on floral transition is mediated by ABI5 in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013. 64: 675-684.

(25) Wang Yanping, Yang Li, Zheng Z, Grumet R, Loescher W, Zhu Jian-Kang, Yang Pingfang, Hu Yuanlei, Chan Zhulong. 2013. Transcriptomic and physiological variations of three Arabidopsis ecotypes in response to salt stress. PLoS ONE, 8(7):e69036.

(26) Shi Haitao#, Wang Yanping#, Cheng Zhangmin, Ye Tiantian, Chan Zhulong*. Analysis of natural variation in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) reveals physiological responses underlying drought tolerance. PLoS ONE, 2012. 7(12):e53422.

(27) Wang Yanping, Li Lin, Ye Tiantian, Zhao Shujuan, Liu Zhao, Feng Yu-Qi, Wu Yan*. Cytokinin antagonizes ABA suppression to seed germination of Arabidopsis by downregulating ABI5 expression. The Plant Journal, 2011. 68: 249-261.

(28) Yin Minzhu, Wang Yanping, Zhang Lihua, Li Jinzhu, Quan Wenli, Yang Li, Wang Qingfeng*, Chan Zhulong*. The Arabidopsis Cys2/His2 zinc-finger transcription factor ZAT18 is a positive regulator of plant tolerance to drought stress. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017. 68: 2991-3005.

(29) Yang Li, You Jun, Wang Yanping, Li Jinzhu, Quan Wenli, Yin Mingzhu, Wang Qingfeng*, Chan Zhulong*. Systematic analysis of the G-box Factor 14-3-3 gene family and functional characterization of GF14a in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017. 117: 1-11.

(30) Jin Rui, Wang Yanping, Liu Renyi, Gou Junbo, Chan Zhulong*. Physiological and metabolic changes of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) in response to drought, heat and combined stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016. 6, 1123.

(31) Zhao Shujuan, Wu Yuxuan, He Yuqing, Wang Yarui, Xiao Jun, Li Lin, Wang Yanping, Chen Xi, Xiong Wei, Wu Yan. RopGEF2 is involved in ABA-suppression of seed germination and post-germination growth of Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 2015. 886-899.

(32) Liu Ruijie, Shi Haitao, Wang Yanping, Chen S, Deng J, Liu Y, Li S, Chan Z*. Comparative physiological analysis of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) cultivars in response to salt stress and cloning of NnCIPK genes. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014. 173: 29-36.

(33) Lu Yuming, Chen Xi, Wu Yuxuan, Wang Yanping, He Yuqing, Wu Yan. Directly Transforming PCR-Amplified DNA Fragments into Plant Cells Is a Versatile System That Facilitates the Transient Expression Assay. PLoS ONE, 2013. 8:e57171.

(34) Wang Weiliang Wang, Sun Tianxiao Sun, Fang Zhengfu Fang, Yang Di, Wang Yanping Wang, Xiang Lin, Chan Zhulong*. Genome-wide identification of DREB1 transcription factors in perennial ryegrass and functional profiling of LpDREB1H2 in response to cold stress. Physiol Plant. 2024,176(1):e14210. doi: 10.1111/ppl.14210.

(35) Yang Di, Wang Weiliang, Fang Zhengfu Fang, Wu Simin Wu, Chen Lili, Chen Jie, Zhang Wensong, Wang Feilong, Sun Tianxiao, Xiang Lin, Wang Yanping, Luo Hong, Chan Zhulong*. Genome-Wide Analysis of the Phospholipase Ds in Perennial Ryegrass Highlights LpABFs-LpPLDδ3 Cascade Modulated Osmotic and Heat Stress Responses. Plant Cell Environ. 2025, 48(2):1115-1129.

(36) Sun T, Wang W, Hu X, Meng L, Xiang L, Wang Y, Wagn C, Luo H, Ziyomo C, Chan Z*. HSFA3 functions as a positive regulator of HSFA2a to enhance thermotolerance in perennial ryegrass. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2024, 108, 108512.

(37) .Liu M, Sun T, Liu C, Zhang H, Wang W, Wang Y, Xiang L, Chan Z*. Integrated physiological and transcriptomic analyses of two warm- and cool-season turfgrass species in response to heat stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2022, 170: 275-286.

(38) Yang L, You J, Wang Y, Li J, Quan W, Yin M, Wang Q*, Chan Z*. Systematic analysis of the G-box Factor 14-3-3 gene family and functional characterization of GF14a in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 117: 1-11.

(39) Ye T, Shi H, Wang Y, Chan Z*. Contrasting changes caused by drought and submergence stresses in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 951.

(40) Alam M, Wang Y, Chan Z*. Physiological and biochemical analyses reveal drought tolerance in cool-season tall fescue turfgrass with the application of melatonin. Crop and Pasture Science, 2018, 69: 1041-1049.


   (1) 2024年,华中农业大学优秀班主任

 (2) 2024年,省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目

   (3) 2021年,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目,202110504033

   (4) 2020年,大学生科技创新基金(SRF), 2018YLSRF19

   (5) 2019年,中国园艺学会观赏园艺专业委员会,优秀墙报奖

   (6) 2018年,大学生科技创新基金(SRF), 2017YLSRF022

   (7) 2017年,中国园艺学会采后科学技术分会,墙报一等奖


    (1)长期担任Science Advances, Horticulture Research, Plant Science, Plant Physiological and Biochemistry, Planta, Scientia Horticulturae, Horticultural Plant Journal等杂志审稿人;

    (2) 参与中国农技协下科技小院、湖北省科技特派员工作站等社会服务工作。

(3) 主编十四五规划教材《园林植物生物技术》和《园林植物育种学实验》;参编《花卉栽培学》、《中国宿根花卉》、《中国农业百科全书-观赏园艺卷》修订版、《花卉学》第四版、《园林植物育种学》第二版、《观赏植物遗传育种学》。


[1] 2005.9——2011.9
[2] 2001.9——2005.9
潍坊学院 > 生物科学


[1] 2016.9-至今
[2] 2011.9-2016.9
中科院武汉植物园 > 助理研究员和副研究员