Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):涂书新
Name (Pinyin):tushuxin
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:浙江大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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- 谢志坚, 涂书新*, 徐昌旭, 刘光荣. 紫云英还田对单季稻田氨挥发的影响. 核农学报,2017,31( 8) : 1576-1584..
- 高菲,戴志华,韩丹,王兆双,冯人伟,熊双莲,涂书新*. 硒影响植物抗氧化系统的作用与机制. 生物技术进展. 2017, 7(5):467-472. .
- 戴志华, 高菲, 赵敏, 韩丹,王兆双, 涂书新*.作物对硒的吸收利用及合理施用硒肥.生物技术进展,2017, 7(5):415-420. .
- 王兆双,王典,李洪亮,郭芳阳,闫小毛,吴照辉,刘巧真,韩会阁,涂书新*. 不同土壤调理剂对土壤硒的活化效应研究 土壤通报,2018, Vol.49,No.4.
- Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Rizwan,Saqib Bashir,Allah Ditta,Omar Aziz, Li Zhe Yong,Zhihua Dai, Muhammad Akmal, Waqas Ahmed,Muhammad Adeel ,Muhammad Imtiaz,Shuxin Tu* .2018. Impact of different amendments on biochemical responses of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) plants grown in lead-cadmium contaminated soil. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 132 (2018) 345–355.
- Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Rizwan,Saqib Bashir,Allah Ditta,Omar Aziz, Li Zhe Yong,Zhihua Dai, Muhammad Akmal, Waqas Ahmed,Muhammad Adeel ,Muhammad Imtiaz,Shuxin Tu*. 2018. Comparative Effects of Biochar, Slag and Ferrous–Mn Ore on Lead and Cadmium Immobilization in Soil Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 100 (2) :286-292.
- Muhammad Rizwan, Mohammad Golam Mostafa, Muhammad Zulfiqar Ahmad, Muhammad Imtiaz, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Adeel, Zhihua Dai, Zheyong Li, Omar Aziz, Yihui Zhang, Shuxin Tu*.2018. Nitric oxide induces rice tolerance to excessive nickel by regulating nickel uptake, reactive oxygen species detoxification and defense-related gene expression.Chemosphere, 191 :23-33.
- Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Amjad Nawaz, Muhammad Rizwan, Sajid Mehmood, Balal Yousaf, Yuan Yuan, Allah Ditta, Muhammad Ali Mumtaz, Muhammad Ali, Sammina Mahmood, Shuxin Tu*. 2018. Vanadium toxicity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) grown in red soil: effects on cell death, ROS and antioxidative systems. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,158, 139-144.
- Allah Ditta, Muhammad Imtiaz, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Fathia Mubeen,Omar Aziz, Zheng Qian, Raina Ijaz, Shuxin Tu. 2018. Rock phosphate enriched organic fertilizer with phosphate solubilizing microorganisms improves nodulation, growth and yield of legumes Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49, 2715-2725.
- 王兆双,涂书新. 不同土壤调理剂对土壤硒的活化效应研究。土壤通报,2018:49(4):953-958.