Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):涂书新
Name (Pinyin):tushuxin
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:浙江大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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- 刘锦嫦,熊双莲,马烁,高菲,涂书新.2018. 硒砷交互作用对水稻幼苗生理特性及砷硒累积的影响.农业环境科学学报, 37(3):423-430.
- 刘永贤,戴志华,涂书新 (编著). 2019. 硒的检测分析方法.科学出版社。 .
- 杨发文,黄衡亮,涂书新*. 有机硅复合肥防治水稻镉污染的效果和初步机制。核农学报,2020,34( 2) : 0425~ 0432.
- 黄恒亮,涂书新*. 有机硅改性复合肥对玉米养分和镉吸收的影响.中国土壤与肥料2019(4)156-163 .
- Dai ZH, Tu SX*. 2019. Alleviating effects of exogenous nitric oxide donor SNP on selenium toxicity in rice seedlings. CRC Press, 2019. (EI) .
- Dai ZH, Tu SX*. 2019. Effects of different kinds of hormones on selenium accumulation in rice. CRC Press, 2019. (EI) .
- Dai ZH, Tu SX*. 2019. Nitric oxide alleviates selenium toxicity in rice by regulating antioxidation, selenium uptake, speciation and gene expression Environmental Pollution, 113540 .
- 涂书新,孙锦荷,郭智芬 2000 植物根系分泌物与根际关系评述。土壤与环境,9(1):64-67..
- Rizwan M, Tu S*. 2019. Hydrogen sulfide enhances rice tolerance to nickel through the prevention of chloroplast damage and the improvement of nitrogen metabolism under excessive nickel. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 138:100-111, 2019 .
- Wu XR,Tu SX*,Feng RW. Elevated atmosphere CO2 might increase the health risk of long-term ingestion of leafy vegetables cultivated in residual DDT polluted soil. Chemosphere.