Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):涂书新
Name (Pinyin):tushuxin
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:浙江大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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- Growth, V uptake, and antioxidant enzymes responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes under vanadium stress By: Imtiaz, Muhammad; Tu, Shuxin*; Xie, Zhijian; et al. PLANT AND SOIL Volume: 390 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 17-27 Published: MAY 2015 .
- Preliminary mechanisms for arsenic removal by natural ferruginous manganese ore By: Huang, Y.; Huang, C.; Yang, Q.; Tu, S.* et al. MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS Volume: 19 Supplement: 5 Pages: 1313-1317 Published: MAY 2015 .
- Vanadium, recent advancements and research prospects: A review By: Imtiaz, Muhammad; Rizwan, Muhammad Shahid; Xiong, Shuanglian; Tu, Shuxin* et al. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Volume: 80 Pages: 79-88 Published: JUL 2015 (通讯作者).
- Interactive effects of selenium and arsenic on growth, antioxidant system, arsenic and selenium species of Nicotiana tabacum L. By: Han, Dan; Xiong, Shuanglian; Tu, Shuxin*; et al. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY Volume: 117 Pages: 12-19 Published: SEP 2015 .
- Xie Zhijian , Shah Farooq , Tu Shuxin*. Chinese Milk Vetch as Green Manure Mitigates Nitrous Oxide Emission From Monocropped Rice System in South China. PLOS ONE 2016 , 11 (12) :e0168134 [IF: 3.057].
- Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Adnan Mushtaq, Muhammad Ashraf, Sher Muhammad Shahzad, Balal Yousaf, Dawood Anser Saeed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Azher Nawaz, Sajid Mehmood, Shuxin Tu* (2016). Silicon occurrence, uptake, transport and mechanisms of heavy metals, minerals and salinity enhanced tolerance in plants with future prospects: A review. Journal of Environmental Management 183(3): 521-529 .
- Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Adnan Mushtaq, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Saleem Arif, Balal Yousaf, Muhammad Ashraf, Xiong Shuanglian, Muhammad Rizwan, Sajid Mehmood, Shuxin Tu* (2016). Comparison of antioxidant enzymes activities and DNA damage in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes exposed to vanadium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23:19787-19796. .
- Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Adnan Mushtaq, Balal Yousaf, Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Ali, Adnan Yousuf, Muhammad Rizwan, Mairaj Din, Zhihua Dai, Shuanglian Xiong, Sajid Mehmood, Shuxin Tu *(2016). Interactive effects of vanadium and phosphorus on their uptake, growth and heat shock proteins in chickpea genotypes under hydroponic conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany Volume 134, February 2017, Pages 72-81.
- Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Rizwan,Saqib Bashir,Allah Ditta,Omar Aziz, Li Zhe Yong,Zhihua Dai, Muhammad Akmal, Waqas Ahmed,Muhammad Adeel ,Muhammad Imtiaz,Shuxin Tu*. Comparative Effects of Biochar, Slag and Ferrous–Mn Ore on Lead and Cadmium Immobilization in Soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018 , 100 (2) :286-292.
- Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Imtiaz, Zhihua Dai, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Adeel, Jinchang Liu, Shuxin Tu*. Nickel stressed responses of rice in Ni subcellular distribution, antioxidant production and osmolyte accumulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(25); 20587-20598..