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教师拼音名称:Li Wencheng


当前位置: 中文主页 > 科研成果

1. Li Wencheng, Li Chenyang, Huang Xiaomao*, Zhu Yaozong, Wang Wenyun. Operation quality control of rapeseed strip aerial seeding system via under-constrained seeding technique. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 107693

2 .Li Wencheng*, Wang Wenyun, Huang Xiaomao, Li Chenyang. The reduced-order model for droplet drift of aerial spraying under random lateral wind. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, 4840814.

3. Li Wencheng, Gao Xiumin*, Liu Haojie. Efficient prediction of transonic flutter boundaries for varying Mach number and angle of attack via LSTM network. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 110, 106451.

4. Li Wencheng*, Wang Wenyun, Huang Xiaomao, Zhang Shun, Li Chenyang. Roll control of morphing aircraft with synthetic jet actuators at a high angle of attack. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(2), 505.

5. Li Wencheng, Jin Dongping*. Gain-scheduled control and stability analysis of morphing aircraft in transition process.  Transaction of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 35(6): 1080~1086.

6. Li Wencheng, Jin Dongping*. Flutter suppression and stability analysis for a variable-span wing via morphing technology, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 412: 410-423.

7. Li Wencheng, Jin Dongping*,Zhao Yonghui. Efficient nonlinear reduced-order modeling for synthetic-jet-based control at high angle of attack, Aerospace Science and Technology,2017, 62:98-107.

8. Huang Xiaomao*, Zhang Shun, Luo Chengming, Li Wencheng, Liao Yitao. Design and expermentation of an aerial seeding system for rapeseed basen on an air-assisted centralized metering device and a multi-rotor crop protection UAV [J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(24), 8854.

9. 黄小毛*,徐胡伟,张顺,李文成,罗承铭,邓宇飞. 油菜成条飞播装置设计与试验. 农业工程学报, 2020. 36(05): 78-87.

10. 黄小毛*,唐灿,TANG Lie,罗承铭,李文成,张垒. 含障碍物多田块下旋翼无人机作业返航补给规划研究. 农业机械学报, 2020. 51(07): 82-90.

11. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Dong Wanjing, Li Wencheng. A unified semi-analytical method for vibration Analysis of shells of revolution stiffened by rings with T cross-section. Thin-Walled Structures,  2019, 139: 412-431.

12. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Zhang Linke, Li Wencheng, Dong Wanjing. A unified semi-analytic method for vibro-acoustic analysis of submerged shells of revolution. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 189:  106345. 

13. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Li Wencheng, Dong Wanjing. A unified semi-analytic method for vibration  analysis of functionally graded shells of revolution. Thin-Walled Structures. 2020, 155: 106943.

14.Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Dong Wanjing, Li Wencheng. A semi-analytic method for vibro-acoustic analysis of coupled propeller-shaft hull systems under propeller excitations.  Ocean Engineering,  2020, 218: 108175.

15. 李文成,黄小毛,赵鑫.随机环境风影响下的基于降阶模型的施药控制系统及方法, 发明专利.

16. 李文成. 适用于气浮仿真实验平台的可快速拆卸式高效喷嘴装置,实用新型专利.

17. 董万静,谢坤,李文成.非线性隔振系统的边界辨识方法. 发明专利.