李文成,男,中共党员,1987年生,工学博士。本硕博就读于南京航空航天大学航空学院,2018年至就职于华中农业大学工学院,主讲《理论力学》《材料力学》《(工程)流体力学》等课程。在Aerospace Science and Technology和Journal of Sound and Vibration等期刊发表学术论文。目前主要从事植保无人机相关的科研工作,研究领域包括复杂飞行器动力学及其控制、气动弹性力学及其控制、植保无人机飞防飞播作业等。
Dr. Wencheng Li, borned in 1987, earned a BS, MS and PhD degree from Nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics in Nanjing, China. In 2018, Dr. Li joined college of engineering at huazhong agricultural university, and taught theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, and engineering fluid mechanics. At present, He is mainly engaged in the scientific research related to dynamics and control, including dynamics and control of aircraft, aeroelastic mechanics and control, aerial spraying and seeding via plant protection UAV.