通讯地址:430070 湖北省武汉市华中农业大学 果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室
Tel: 027-87281543 (O); Email: guoww@mail.hzau.edu.cn
郭文武简介:博士、教授、博士生导师。1993年7月本科毕业于华中农业大学园艺系;1993-1998年,华中农业大学攻读硕士 / 博士学位;1998年6月毕业,获博士学位并留校任教。1999、2003年,分别晋升为副教授、教授。2001-2003年,美国佛罗里达大学柑橘研究与教育中心博士后;2007年,澳大利亚CSIRO园艺部/澳大利亚国立大学高访3个月;2009年,日本鹿儿岛大学高访2个月。
国内外学术兼职:国际SCI刊物《Scientia Horticulturae》共同主编(2014-2022),《Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture》《Tree Genetics & Genomes》Associate Editor,《Journal of Integrative Agriculture 》《中国农业科学》《果树学报》等学术期刊编委。国务院学位委员会第7、8届学科评议组(园艺学)成员;中国园艺学会常务理事、分子育种分会副理事长。
科研项目:先后主持国家自然科学基金(面上、杰青、重点、国际合作重点、联合基金重点等)、国家重点研发计划项目、科技部973计划课题、863计划课题、教育部项目(重大项目培育计划、新世纪优秀人才等)、农业部公益性行业科研专项、湖北省自然科学基金(杰青、重点、创新群体)、湖北省重点研发计划项目、瑞典国际科学基金 (IFS) 等50余项。
研究兴趣与重点内容 :从事柑橘细胞工程与遗传改良研究。针对我国柑橘在品种、品质等方面存在的问题,以及常规育种遇到的珠心胚(无性胚)干扰等生殖障碍,借助现代分子标记和组学手段,重点开展细胞工程与遗传改良研究;旨在提高育种效率、缩短育种周期,培育具有无核、优质、不同熟期、多抗广适等性状的新品种(包括砧木),充分发挥“细胞工程”在柑橘遗传改良中的独特作用。重点研究内容:1)细胞工程创新种质与新品种培育:体细胞杂种和胞质杂种创制,离体培养与三倍体创制,四倍体(双二倍体)发掘与创制,纯系创制,细胞工程新品种培育与应用;2)细胞工程新种质优异性状解析与分子育种:胞质杂种及其遗传群体雄性不育性状解析与基因发掘,人工合成四倍体的体细胞互作遗传 / 表观遗传与优质多抗评价,基于原生质体转化再生的基因编辑与分子育种。
发表论著:在PNAS、New Phytologist、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Plant Phyisology、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Journal of Experimental Botany、DNA Research、Metabolomics、BMC Genomics、BMC Plant Biology、Theor Appl Genet、Planta、Plant Science、Plant Cell Reports、Tree Genetics & Genomes、Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture、Scientia Horticulturae、中国农业科学、园艺学报等学术刊物发表第一和通讯(含共同)作者论文100余篇。
部分论著和成果如下(* 通讯作者)
1) Fan YJ, Du ZZ, He XY, Liu ZA, Zhuang JX, Xiao GA, Duan YY, Tan FQ, Xie KD, Jiao WB, Zhang F, Yang C, Guo WW*, Wu XM* (2025) Somatic variations in the meiosis-specific gene CrMER3 confer seedlessness in a citrus bud sport. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology DOI:10.1111/jipb.13872
2) Song X#, Zhang M#, Wang TT, Duan YY, Ren J, Gao H, Fan YJ, Xia QM, Cao HX, Xie KD, Wu XM, Zhang F, Zhang SQ, Huang Y, Boualem A, Bendahmane A, Tan FQ*, Guo WW* (2025) Polyploidization leads to salt stress resilience via ethylene signaling in citrus plants. New Phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.20428
3) Wang PB, Duan YY, Quan RM, Feng MQ, Ren J, Tang YY, Qing M, Xie KD, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2025) CsTCP14- CsIAA4 module- mediated repression of auxin signaling regulates citrus somatic embryogenesis. New Phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.20442
4) Wang TT#, Song X#, Zhang M, Fan YJ, Ren J, Duan YY, Guan SP, Luo X, Yang WH, Cao HX, Wu XM, Guo WW, Xie KD* (2025) CsCPC, an R3-MYB transcription factor, acts as a negative regulator of citric acid accumulation in Citrus. Plant Journal 121: e17189
5) Wang R, Shi YC, Zhang B, Liu WR, Tan FQ, Lu F, Jiang N, Cheng LC, Xie KD, Wu XM*, Guo WW* (2024) Gene expression profiles and metabolic pathways responsible for male sterility in cybrid pummelo. Plant Cell Reports 43: 262
6) Wang R#, Shi YC#, Xie KD, Xie ZZ, Wu XM*, Guo WW* (2024) The citrus somatic cybrids exhibit various degrees of male sterility conferred by mitochondrial genome of Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu). Scientia Horticulturae 338: 113624
7) Ren J#, Lu X#, Duan YY, Xiao GA, Xie KD, Wu XM, Guo WW* (2024) In vivo tetraploid induction of mono-embryonic citrus genotypes by colchicine treatment. Scientia Horticulturae 338: 113701
8) Wang HX#, Ren J#, Zhou SY, Duan YY, Zhu CQ, Chen CW, Liu ZY, Zheng QY, Xiang S, Xie ZZ, Wang X, Chai LJ, Ye JL, Xu Q, Guo WW, Deng XX*, Zhang F* (2024) Molecular regulation of oil gland development and biosynthesis of essential oils in Citrus spp. Science 383: 659–666
9) Feng MQ, Jiang N, Wang PB, Liu Y, Xia QM, Jia HH, Shi QF, Long JM, Xiao GA, Yin ZP, Xie KD, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2023) The miR171-targeted CsSCLs regulate somatic embryogenesis by modulating ROS homeostasis and regeneration-related genes. Plant Physiology 192: 2838-2854
10) Jiang N, Feng MQ, Cheng LC, Kuang LH, Li CC, Yin ZP, Wang R, Xie KD, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2023) Spatiotemporal profiles of gene activity in stamen delineate nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction in a male sterile somatic cybrid citrus. Horticulture Research 10: uhad105
11) Yang WH, Ren JQ, Liu WR, Liu D, Xie KD, Fei Zhang F, Wang PW, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2023) An efficient transient gene expression system for protein subcellular localization assay and genome editing in citrus protoplasts. Horticultural Plant Journal 9: 425-436
12) Wang N#, Li CC#, Kuang LH, Wu XM, Xie KD, Zhu AD, Xu Q, Larkin RM, Zhou YF, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2022) Pan-mitogenomics reveals the genetic basis of cytonuclear conflicts in citrus hybridization, domestication and diversification. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119: e2206076119
13) Zhang M, Tan FQ*, Fan YJ, Wang TT, Song X, Xie KD, Wu XM, Zhang F, Deng XX, Grosser JW, Guo WW* (2022) Acetylome reprograming participates in the establishment of fruit metabolism during polyploidization in citrus. Plant Physiology 190: 2519-2538
14) Feng MQ, Lu MD, Long JM, Yin ZP, Jiang N, Wang PB, Liu Y, Guo WW, Wu XM* (2022) miR156 regulates somatic embryogenesis by modulating starch accumulation in citrus. Journal of Experimental Botany 73: 6170-6185
15) Jia HH, Xu YT, Yin ZP, Wu XM*, Qing M, Fan YJ, Song X, Xie KD, Xie ZZ, Xu Q, Deng XX, Guo WW (2021) Transcriptomes and DNA methylomes in apomictic cells delineate nucellar embryogenesis initiation in citrus. DNA Research 28: 1-16, DOI: 10.1093/dnares/dsab014
16) Xia QM, Wang W, Xie KD*, Wu XM, Deng XX, Grosser JW, Guo WW* (2021) Unreduced megagametophyte formation via second division restitution contributes to tetraploid production in interploidy crosses with ‘Orah’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata). Frontiers of Agricultural Science & Engineering 8: 302-313
17) Wang R, Fang YN, Wu XM*, Qing M, Li CC, Xie KD, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2020) The miR399-CsUBC24 module regulates reproductive development and male fertility in citrus. Plant Physiology 183: 1681-1695 (* co-senior author)
18) Zhang S, Yin ZP, Wu XM*, Li CC, Xie KD, Deng XX, Grosser JW, Guo WW* (2020) Assembly of Satsuma mandarin mitochondrial genome and identification of cytoplasmic male sterility–specific ORFs in a somatic cybrid of pummelo. Tree Genetics & Genomes 16: 84
19) Xia QM, Miao LK, Xie KD*, Yin ZP, Wu XM, Chen CL, Grosser JW, Guo WW (2020) Localization of Citrus functional centromeres by combining half-tetrad analysis and CenH3-associated sequence profiling. Plant Cell Reports 39: 1609–1622
20) Tan FQ, Zhang M, Xie KD, Fan YJ, Song X, Wang R, Wu XM, Zhang HY, Guo WW* (2019) Polyploidy remodels fruit metabolism by modifying carbon source utilization and metabolic flux in Ponkan mandarin. Plant Science 289:110276
21) Long JM, Liu CY, Feng MQ, Liu Y, Wu XM*, Guo WW* (2018) miR156-SPL modules regulate induction of somatic embryogenesis in citrus callus. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 2979-2993
22) Tan FQ, Tu H, Wang R, Wu XM, Xie KD, Chen JJ, Zhang HY, Xu J, Guo WW* (2017) Metabolic adaptation following genome doubling in citrus doubled diploids revealed by non-targeted metabolomics. Metabolomics 13: 143
23) Long JM, Liu Z, Wu XM*, Fang YN, Jia HH, Xie ZZ, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2016) Genome-scale mRNA and small RNA transcriptomic insights into initiation of citrus apomixis. Journal of Experimental Botany 67: 5743–5756
24) Fang YN, Zheng BB, Wang L, Yang W, Wu XM, Xu Q, Guo WW* (2016) High-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis reveal altered expression of miRNAs and their targets in a male-sterile cybrid pummelo (Citrus grandis). BMC Genomics 17:591
25) Tan FQ, Tu H, Liang WJ, Long JM, Wu XM, Zhang HY, Guo WW* (2015) Comparative metabolic and transcriptional analysis of a doubled diploid and its diploid citrus rootstock (C. junos cv. Ziyang xiangcheng) suggests its potential value for stress resistance improvement. BMC Plant Biology 15: 89
26) Wang SM, Lan H, Cao HB, Xu Q, Chen CL, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2015) Recovery and characterization of homozygous lines from two sweet orange cultivars via anther culture. Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture 123:633-644
27) Wu XM, Kou SJ, Liu YL, Fang YN, Xu Q, Guo WW* (2015) Genome-wide analysis of small RNAs in non-embryogenic and embryogenic tissues of citrus: microRNA and siRNA mediated transcript cleavage involved in somatic embryogenesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 13: 383-394
28) Xie KD, Xia QM, Wang XP, Liang WJ, Wu XM, Grosser JW, Guo WW* (2015) Cytogenetic and SSR marker evidence of mixed disomic, tetrasomic and intermediate inheritance in a citrus allotetraploid somatic hybrid between ‘Nova’ tangelo and ‘HB’ pummelo. Tree Genetics & Genomes 11: 112
29) Xiao SX, Biswas MK, Li MY, Deng XX, Xu Q, Guo WW* (2014) Production and molecular characterization of diploid and tetraploid somatic cybrid plants between male sterile Satsuma mandarin and seedy sweet orange cultivars. Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture 116: 81-88
30) Xie KD, Wang XP, Biswas MK, Liang WJ, Xu Q, Grosser JW, Guo WW* (2014) 2n megagametophyte formed via SDR contributes to tetraploidization in polyembryonic ‘Nadorcott’ tangor crossed by citrus allotetraploids. Plant Cell Reports 33:1641–1650
31) Zheng BB, Fang YN, Pan ZY, Sun L, Deng XX, Grosser JW, Guo WW* (2014) iTRAQ based quantitative proteomics analysis revealed alterations of carbohydrate metabolism pathways and mitochondrial proteins in a male sterile cybrid pummelo. Journal of Proteome Research 13: 2998-3015
32) Ahmad T, Sablok G, Tatarinova T, Xu Q, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2013) Evaluation of codon biology in Citrus and Poncirus trifoliata based on genomic features and frame corrected expressed sequence tags. DNA Research 20: 135-150
33) Guo WW*, Xiao SX, Deng XX (2013) Somatic cybrid production via protoplast fusion for citrus improvement. Scientia Horticulturae 163: 20-26
34) Cai XD, Fu J, Deng XX, Guo WW* (2007) Production and molecular characterization of potential seedless cybrid plants between pollen sterile Satsuma and two seedy Citrus cultivars. Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture 90: 275-283
35) Guo WW*, Grosser JW* (2005) Somatic hybrid vigor in Citrus: direct evidence from protoplast fusion of an embryogenic callus line with a transgenic mesophyll parent expressing the GFP gene. Plant Science 168: 1541-1545
36) Guo WW, Duan YX, Olivares-Fuster O, Wu ZC, Arias CR, Burns JK, Grosser JW (2005) Protoplast transformation and regeneration of transgenic Valencia sweet orange plants containing a juice quality related pectin methylesterase gene. Plant Cell Reports 24: 482-486
37) Guo WW, Prasad D, Cheng YJ, Serrano P, Deng XX, Grosser JW (2004) Targeted cybridization in Citrus: transfer of Satsuma cytoplasm to seedy cultivars for potential seedlessness. Plant Cell Reports 22: 752-758
38) Guo WW, Cheng YJ, Deng XX (2002) Regeneration and molecular characterization of intergeneric somatic hybrids between Citrus reticulata and Poncirus trifoliata. Plant Cell Reports 20: 829-834
39) Guo WW, Deng XX (1999) Intertribal hexaploid hybrid plants regeneration from electrofusion between diploids of Citrus sinensis and its sexually incompatible relative, Clausena lansium. Theor Appl Genet 98: 581-585
40) Guo WW, Deng XX (1998) Somatic hybrid plantlets regeneration between Citrus and its wild relative, Murraya paniculata via protoplast electrofusion. Plant Cell Reports 18: 297-300
41) 解凯东,陈昊,伍小萌,谢宗周,郭文武*(2024)大果少核椪柑新品种华柑3号的选育。果树学报 41: 543-546
42) 师小舒,谢善鹏,解凯东,周锐,陈鹏,戴亚,郭玲霞,伍小萌,郭文武*(2024)以雄性不育华柚2号为母本有性杂交创制柚潜在无核新种质。果树学报 41: 2389-2396
43) 谢善鹏,杨雯惠,陈昊,肖公傲,解凯东,夏强明,伍小萌,郭文武(2023)‘国庆1号’温州蜜柑珠心胚苗培育及四倍体发掘。果树学报 40:309-315
44)陈昊,谢善鹏,解凯东,肖公傲,周锐,伍小萌, 吴群,邓家锐,敖义俊,刘高平,郭文武(2023)柑橘13个多胚品种同源四倍体高效发掘与分子鉴定。果树学报 40: 2297-2306
45) 谢善鹏,解凯东,夏强明,周锐,张成磊,郑浩,伍小萌,郭文武*(2022)柑橘6个地方品种资源四倍体高效发掘及分子鉴定。果树学报 39:1-9
46)解凯东,伍小萌,方燕妮,王蓉,谢宗周,邓秀新,郭文武*(2021)无核柚新品种‘华柚3号’。园艺学报 48(S2): 2815-2816
47)解凯东,方燕妮,伍小萌,谢宗周,邓秀新,郭文武*(2020)无核柚新品种‘华柚2号’。园艺学报 47(S2):2945-2946
48) 解凯东,彭珺,袁东亚,强瑞瑞,谢善鹏,周锐,夏强明,伍小萌,柯甫志,刘高平,Grosser JW,郭文武*(2020)以本地早橘和槾橘为母本倍性杂交创制柑橘三倍体。中国农业科学 53: 4961-4968
49) 周锐,解凯东,王伟,彭珺,谢善鹏,胡益波,伍小萌,郭文武*(2020)依据多倍体形态特征快速高效发掘柑橘四倍体。园艺学报 47: 2451-2458
50) 宋鑫,谭丰全,张苗,蔡元康,郭大勇,解凯东,伍小萌,郭文武*(2019)‘纽荷尔’脐橙与‘尤力克’柠檬种间体细胞杂种的代谢特征分析。园艺学报 46:37-46
51) 夏强明,彭珺,解凯东,伍小萌,徐强,郭文武*(2019)以雄性不育胞质杂种‘华柚2 号’为母本创制柚有性群体。果树学报 36: 961-967
52) 郭文武,叶俊丽,邓秀新*(2019)新中国果树科学研究70年—柑橘。果树学报 36: 1264-1272
53) 梁武军,解凯东,郭大勇,谢宗周,徐强,伊华林,郭文武*(2014)柑橘10个品种实生后代多倍体的发掘与SSR鉴定。园艺学报 41:409-416
54) 解凯东,王晓培,王惠芹,梁武军,谢宗周,郭大勇,伊华林,邓秀新,Grosser JW,郭文武*(2014)以柑橘多胚性二倍体母本倍性杂交培育三倍体。园艺学报 41:613-620
55) 解凯东,王惠芹,王晓培,梁武军,谢宗周,伊华林,邓秀新,Grosser JW,郭文武*(2013)单胚性二倍体为母本与异源四倍体杂交大规模创制柑橘三倍体。中国农业科学 46:4550-4557
56) 农业部植物新品种权(2015)。品种权名:华柚2号;品种权号:CNA20101034.2;品种权人:华中农业大学;培育人:郭文武、程运江、谢宗周、伊华林、邓秀新
57) 农业部植物新品种权(2019)。品种权名:华柚3号;授权号:CNA20191003907;品种权人:华中农业大学;培育人:郭文武、邓秀新、解凯东、谢宗周、蔡小东、李超超、伍小萌
59)授权国家发明专利(2016)。发明名称:一种早期筛选柑橘胞质杂种的方法;专利号:ZL 201310221676.9;专利权人:华中农业大学;发明人:郭文武、肖诗鑫