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- Yongkang Zhang, Tingting He, Yonghui Wen, Lei Pan, Xiaojuan Cao, Weimin Wang, Jian Gao*. 2016. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on growth, lipid peroxidation and fatty acid composition of Dojo loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatusCantor) fingerlings.Aquaculture Research.47, 1519-1529..
- Xiao Liang, Jian Gao*, Dapeng Li, Xiaojuan Cao. 2016. Cloning and expressions of peroxisome proliferator activa te d receptor alpha1 and alpha2 (PPARa1 and PPARa2) in loach (Misgurnusanguillicaudatus) and in response to different dietary fatty acids. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 481, 38-45..
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- Yang Li, Jian Gao*, Songqian Huang.2015. Effects of different dietary phospholipid levels on growth performance, fatty acid composition, PPAR gene expressions and antioxidant responses of blunt snout breamMegalobrama amblycephalafingerlings. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 41:423-436..
- Yang Li, Yuntong Zhao, Yongkang Zhang, Xiao Liang, Yin Zhang, Jian Gao*. 2015. Growth performance, fatty acid composition, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors gene expressions, and antioxidant abilities of blunt snout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala, fingerlings fed different dietary oil sources.Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.46, 395-408..
- Jian Gao*,Shunsuke Koshio, Manabu Ishikawa, Saichiro Yokoyama, Roger Edward P. Mamauag.2014. Interactive effects of vitamin C and E supplementation on growth performance, fatty acid composition and reduction of oxidative stress in juvenile Japanese flounderParalichthys olivaceusfed dietary oxidized fish oil. Aquaculture. 422-423, 84-90..
- Jian Gao, Shunsuke Koshio, Weimin Wang, Yang Li, Xiongqian Huang, Xiaojuan Cao*.2014. Effects of dietary phospholipids levels on growth performance, fatty acid composition and antioxidant responses of Dojo loachMisgurnus anguillicaudatuslarvae. Aquaculture. 426-427, 304-309.