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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):焦文标
Name (Pinyin):Jiao Wenbiao
School/Department:Huazhong Agricultural University
Administrative Position:Professor
Business Address:第一综合楼B620
Professional Title:Professor
Academic Titles:College of Informatics, Huazhong Agricultural University
Other Post:Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology of Ministry of Education, Huazhong Agricultural University; Hubei Hongshan Laboratory
Alma Mater:Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Teacher College:College of Informatics
Discipline:Other specialties in Biomedical Engineering    bioinformatics    Other specialties in Biology    
Other Contact Information:






       本课题组依托果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室、湖北洪山实验室等,以柑橘、马铃薯等园艺作物为主要研究对象,具体研究内容将主要围绕基因组突变、重组、遗传变异、进化等基本生物学问题展开;结合现有的高通量组学技术(如三代测序、单细胞组学、时空组学等技术)并在此基础上开发适用于特定研究的基因组学技术;基于机器学习、深度学习等技术,开发生物信息学算法,以解决基因组组装、遗传变异与泛基因组、基因组进化等领域的关键问题;为园艺作物的遗传改良和品质创新提供理论指导。主要研究成果发表在Nature Genetics, Genome Research, Nature Communications, Molecular Biology and Evolution等期刊上。



  1. 复杂基因组组装算法开发与应用:针对杂合二倍体、同源多倍体等复杂基因组,开发单倍型组装、Telomere-to-Telomere(T2T)组装算法,以获得高质量的柑橘、马铃薯等杂合二倍体或多倍体的完整单倍型序列。(Jiao et al., Genome Res., Sun et al., Nat. Genet. 2022, Xiao et a., Horti. Res. 2023)

  2. 遗传变异与图形泛基因组算法开发与应用 :

    1)通过大规模鉴定植物基因组遗传变异,开发比较或进化基因组学算法(例如:共线性多态性Syntenty diversity),解析基因组进化机制和遗传变异功能效应(如遗传不亲和) (Jiao et al., Nat. Communi. 2021., Jiao et., Mol. Biol. Evol.)

    2)基于图形泛基因组理论,开发快速、高效、经济的遗传变异分型算法,解决当前算法对植物复杂变异分型效果较差的难题,并应用于柑橘、马铃薯等园艺作物、以及玉米、小麦等复杂基因组的各类遗传变异(SNP、Indel、SV)的分型;进而挖掘遗传变异的功能效应(如自交不亲和)。(Du et., BioRxiv, 2023)

  3. 园艺作物共性转录调控元件的挖掘与应用综合利用转录组、调控组、单细胞和时空组学等技术,开发机器学习或深度学习模型,挖掘园艺作物共性性状的调控元件和网络。

  4. 园艺大数据平台构建与维护:通过与本室其他课题组的合作,共同构建园艺作物大数据整合分析与研究平台。


•    2014.01-2017.06,德国马克斯普朗克植物育种研究所,生物信息学,博士

•    2014.01–2018.01,德国科隆大学(联合培养),生物信息学,博士

•    2010.09–2013.06,华中农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学,硕士

•    2006.09–2010.06,华中农业大学,生物学基地班,学士


•    2021.04-至今,华中农业大学信息学院 教授

•    2021.01-2021.03 德国慕尼黑大学 博士后

•    2017.07-2020.12 德国马克斯普朗克植物育种研究所 博士后


(1)华中农业大学高层次人才启动经费 在研 主持

(2)国家青年人才项目 在研 主持

(3)国家自然科学基金面上项目 在研 主持

(4)武汉英才优秀青年人才 在研 主持



  •   《生物信息学原理》

  •   《生物信息软件综合实践》



一作(含共同一作#) 或通讯作者(含共同通讯作者*)文章

9.Du Z-Z, He J-B, Jiao W-B*: A comprehensive benchmark of graph-based genetic variant genotyping algorithms on plant genomes for creating an accurate ensemble pipeline. bioRxiv 2023 

8. Xiao P-X, Li Y, Lu J, Zuo H, Pingcuo G, Ying H, Zhao F, Xu Q, Zeng X, Jiao W-B*: High-quality assembly and methylome of a Tibetan wild tree peony genome ( Paeonia ludlowii) reveal the evolution of giant genome architecture. Hortic Res 2023, 10.

7. Song L, Huang Y, Zuo H, Tang N, Li Z, Jiao WB*, Xu F*, Xu Q*, Chen Z*: Chromosome-level assembly of triploid genome of sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum armatum). Hortic Plant J 2022 doi:10.1016/j.hpj.2022.12.014.

6. Sun H#, Jiao WB#, Krause K, Campoy JA, Goel M, Folz-Donahue K, Kukat C, Huettel B, Schneeberger K: Chromosome-scale and haplotype-resolved genome assembly of a tetraploid potato cultivar. Nature Genetics 2022, 3:342-348

5. Jiao WB, Patel V, Klasen J, Liu F, Pecinkova P, Ferrand M, et al. :The Evolutionary Dynamics of Genetic Incompatibilities Introduced by Duplicated Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2021, 38:1225-1240

4. Jiao WB, Schneeberger K: Chromosome-level assemblies of multiple Arabidopsis genomes reveal hotspots of rearrangements with altered evolutionary dynamics. Nature Communications 2020, 11:989.

3. Jiao WB, Schneeberger K: The impact of third generation genomic technologies on plant genome assemblyCurrent Opinion Plant Biology 2017, 36:64-70.

2. Jiao WB, Garcia Accinelli G, Hartwig B, Kiefer C, Baker D, Severing E, Willing E-M, Piednoel M, Woetzel S, Madrid-Herrero E, et al.: Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture dataGenome Research 2017, 27:778–786.

1. Jiao WB, Huang D, Xing F, Hu Y, Deng XX, Xu Q, Chen LL: Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis of genetic variants in sweet orangePlant Journal 2013, 75:954–964.


11. Huang Y, He J, Xu Y, Zheng W, Wang S, Chen P, Zeng B, Yang S, Jiang X, Liu Z, et al.: Pangenome analysis provides insight into the evolution of the orange subfamily and a key gene for citric acid accumulation in citrus fruits. Nat Genet 2023, 55:1964–1975.

10. Madrid E, Severing E, de Ansorena E, Kiefer C, Brand L, Martinez-Gallegos R, Woetzel S, Kemi U, Jiao WB, Schneeberger K, et al.: Transposition and duplication of MADS-domain transcription factor genes in annual and perennial Arabis species modulates flowering. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.  2021, 118.

9. Campoy, J.A., Sun, H., Goel, M. Jiao WB, et al. Gamete binning: chromosome-level and haplotype- resolved genome assembly enabled by high-throughput single-cell sequencing of gamete genomes. Genome Biol. 21, 306 (2020). 

8. Goel M, Sun H, Jiao WB, Schneeberger K: SyRI: finding genomic rearrangements and local sequence differences from whole-genome assemblies. Genome Biol. 2019, 20:277.

7. Dittberner H, Becker C, Jiao WB, Schneeberger K, Hölzel N, Tellier A, Meaux J: Strengths and potential pitfalls of hay transfer for ecological restoration revealed by RADseq analysis in floodplain Arabis species. Mol. Ecol. 2019, 28:3887–3901.

6. Kiefer C, Willing E-M, Jiao WB, Sun H, Piednoël M, Hümann U, Hartwig B, Koch MA, Schneeberger K: Interspecies association mapping links reduced CG to TG substitution rates to the loss of gene-body methylation. Nature Plants 2019, 5:846–855.

5. Zapata L, Ding J, Willing E, Hartwig B, Bezdan D, Jiao WB, Patel V, et al.: Chromosome-level assembly of Arabidopsis thaliana Ler reveals the extent of translocation and inversion polymorphisms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2016, 113:E4052–E4060.

4. Zhang J, Chen LL, Sun S, Kudrna D, Copetti D, Li W, Mu T, Jiao WB, Xing F, Lee S, et al.: Building two indica rice reference genomes with PacBio long-read and Illumina paired-end sequencing data. Sci. Data 2016, 3:160076.

3. Zhang J, Chen LL, Xing F, Kudrna DA, Yao W, Copetti D, Mu T, Li W, Song JM, Xie W, Lee S, Talag J, Shao L, An Y, Zhang CL, Ouyang Y, Sun S, Jiao WB, et al.:  Extensive sequence divergence between the reference genomes of two elite indica rice varieties Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2016, 113:E5163–E5171.

2. Gutjahr C, Gobbato E, Choi J, Riemann M, Johnston MG, Summers W, Carbonnel S, Mansfield C, Yang SY, Nadal M, Acosta I, Takano M, Jiao WB, et al.: Rice perception of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi requires the karrikin receptor complex. Science 2015, 350:1521–1524.

1. Xu Q, Chen LL, Ruan X, Chen D, Zhu A, Chen C, Bertrand D, Jiao WB, Hao BH, Lyon MP, et al.: The draft genome of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). Nature Genetics 2013, 45:59–66.


Educational Experience

[1] 2014.1——2017.6
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research > bioinformatics > 无学位 > 无学位
[2] 2014.1——2018.1
University of Cologne > bioinformatics > Doctoral degree > 博士
[3] 2010.9——2013.6
Huazhong Agricultural University > 生物化学与分子生物学 > Master's degree > Master's Degree
[4] 2006.9——2010.6
Huazhong Agricultural University > Biology > Bachelor's Degree in Science > Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)

Work Experience

[1] 2021.4-Now

[2] 2021.1-2021.3
University of Munich

[3] 2017.7-2020.12
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research

[4] 2021.1-2021.3
德国慕尼黑大学 > 博士后
合作导师:Korbinian Schneeberger 

[5] 2017.7-2020.12
德国马克斯普朗克植物育种研究所 > 博士后
合作导师:Korbinian Schneeberger