教师英文名称:Mengjin Zhu


- Systems infection biology: a compartmentalized immune network of pig spleen challenged with Haemophilus parasuis.BMC GENOMICS,2013,
- 20. 张巧霞,刘飞,张玲妮,刘向东,赵书红,朱猛进*. 猪血液免疫性状的复合基因组选择研究. 猪业科学. 2016; 33(8):104-106. .
- 19. 王超,赵书红,朱猛进*. 猪抗病育种的相关问题及研究进展. 中国畜牧杂志. 2014; 50(22):67-72..
- 18. 张巧霞,张玲妮,刘飞,刘向东,刘小磊,赵书红,朱猛进. 基于 GBLUP与惩罚类回归方法的猪血液性状基因组选择研究. 畜牧兽医学报. 2017; 48(12). doi:10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2017.12.000 .
- 17. Zhao SH, Zhu MJ, Chen HB. Immunogenomics for identification of disease resistance genes in pigs: a review focusing on Gram-negative bacilli. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2012; 3(1):34 .
- 16. Gu T, Zhu MJ, Schroyen M, Qu L, Nettleton D, Kuhar D, Lunney JK, Ross JW, Zhao SH, Tuggle CK. Endometrial gene expression profiling in pregnant Meishan and Yorkshire pigs on day 12 of gestation. BMC Genomics 2014, 15(1):156 .
- 15. Zhu MJ, Yu M, Liu B, Zhu ZZ, Xiong TA, Fan B, Xu SP, Du YQ, Peng ZZ, Li K. Genetic status of ESR locus and other unidentified genes associated with litter size in Chinese indigenous Tongcheng pig breed after a long time selection. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 2004, 17(5): 598-602. .
- 14. Zhu MJ, Liu B, Yu M, Zhao SH, Fan B, Li CC, Peng ZZ. Comparative evaluation of loin muscle area estimated by pixel method and empirical formula method in swine. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 2005; 17(11): 126..
- 13. Zhu M,Zhao S. Candidate Gene Identification Approach: Progress and Challenges. Int J Biol Sci., 2007; 3:420-427..
- 12. Zhu MJ, Ding JT, Liu B, Yu M, Fan B, Li CC, Zhao SH. Genetic parameters for four reproduction component traits in two Chinese indigenous pig breeds. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci., 2008, 21(8): 1109-1115. .