教师英文名称:Zhipeng Zhou
教师拼音名称:Zhou Zhipeng


- Zhou, Z.#, Dang, Y.#, Zhou, M., Yuan, H., and Liu, Y*. (2018). Codon usage biases co-evolve with the transcription termination machinery to suppress premature cleavage and polyadenylation in coding regions. eLife 7: 33569..
- Zhou, Z.#, Dang, Y.#, Zhou, M., Li, L., Yu, C.H., Fu, J., Chen, S., and Liu, Y*. (2016). Codon usage is an important determinant of gene expression levels largely through its effects on transcription. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113, E6117-E6125..
- Sun, G.#, Zhou, Z.#, Liu, X.#, Gai, K., Liu, Q., Cha, J., Kaleri, F.N., Wang, Y., and He, Q*. (2016). Suppression of WHITE COLLAR-independent frequency Transcription by Histone H3 Lysine 36 Methyltransferase SET-2 Is Necessary for Clock Function in Neurospora. J Biol Chem 291, 11055-11063..
- Zhou, Z., Wang, Y., Cai, G., and He, Q*. (2012). Neurospora COP9 signalosome integrity plays major roles for hyphal growth, conidial development, and circadian function. PLoS Genet 8, e1002712..
- Dang, Y. #, Cheng, J. #, Sun, X., Zhou, Z., & Liu, Y*. (2016). Antisense transcription licenses nascent transcripts to mediate transcriptional gene silencing. Genes & Development, 30(21), 2417-2432..
- Yu, C.H.#, Dang, Y.#, Zhou, Z.#, Wu, C., Zhao, F., Sachs, M.S., and Liu, Y*. (2015). Codon Usage Influences the Local Rate of Translation Elongation to Regulate Co-translational Protein Folding. Mol Cell 59, 744-754. (cover story).
- Zhou, Z.#, Liu, X.#, Hu, Q.#, Zhang, N., Sun, G., Cha, J., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., and He, Q*. (2013). Suppression of WC-independent frequency transcription by RCO-1 is essential for Neurospora circadian clock. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110, E4867-4874..
- Wang, J., Hu, Q., Chen, H., Zhou, Z., Li, W., Wang, Y., Li, S., and He, Q*. (2010). Role of individual subunits of the Neurospora crassa CSN complex in regulation of deneddylation and stability of cullin proteins. PLoS Genet 6, e1001232..