Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):周明
Name (Pinyin):Zhou Ming
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:四综A513
Alma Mater:中国农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- 26)Zhou M#, Zhou Z#, Kia GS#, Gnanadurai CW, Leyson CM, Umoh JU, Kwaga JP, Kazeem HM, Fu ZF*. Complete genome sequence of a street rabies virus isolated from a dog in Nigeria. Genome Announcement.2013 Jan;1(1). pii: e00214-12. .
- 25)Chen Z#, Zhou M#, Gao X, Zhang G, Ren G, Gnanadurai CW, Fu ZF*, He B*. A novel rabies vaccine based on a recombinant parainfluenza virus 5 expressing rabies virus glycoprotein. J Virol. 2013 Mar; 87(6):2986-93. .
- 24)Zhou M#, Zhang G#, Ren G#, Gnanadurai CW, Li Z, Chai Q, Yang Y, Leyson CM, Wu W, Cui M, Fu ZF*. Recombinant rabies viruses expressing GM-CSF or flagellin are effective vaccines for both intramuscular and oral immunizations. PLoS One.2013 May 20;8(5):e63384.8(5) .
- 23)Gnanadurai CW#, Zhou M#, He W#, Leyson CM, Huang CT, Salyards G, Harvey SB, Chen Z, He B, Yang Y, Hooper DC, Dietzchold B, Fu ZF*. Presence of virus neutralizing antibodies in cerebral spinal fluid correlates with non-lethal rabies in dogs. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013 Sep 19;7(9):e2375..
- 22)Zhou M#, Wang L#, Zhou S#, Wang Z, Ruan J, Tang L, Jia Z, Cui M, Zhao L*, Fu ZF*. Recombinant rabies virus expressing dog GM-CSF is an efficacious oral rabies vaccine for dogs. Oncotarget.2015 Nov 17;6(36):38504-16. .
- 9.一种犬呼吸道冠状病毒的荧光定量PCR检测试剂盒.赵凌,周明,周虎,赵剑清,张程光,钟鸣,徐高原.专利申请号:202311295785.5
- 8.一种提高Admax重组腺病毒包装系统的外源基因表达量的方法及应用.赵凌,张渊,方祾颖,汪宗梅,周明,傅振芳.专利号:ZL202311001989.3
- 7.Z-藁本内酯在制备治疗狂犬病的药物中的应用.周明,赵凌,赵剑清,王骞若,刘振坤,周睿.专利号:ZL202311865683.2
- 6.花生四烯酸在制备狂犬病治疗药物中的应用.周明,赵凌,赵剑清,王骞若,刘振坤,周睿.专利号:ZL202310982133.2
- 5.一种基于糖蛋白密码子优化的狂犬病新型重组疫苗. 赵凌、裴捷、阮俊程、傅振芳、周明 、李莹莹. 专利申请号:201810316071.0
Published Books
Research Projects