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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):赵毓
Name (Pinyin):Zhao Yu
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Business Address:作物遗传改良全国重点实验室C501
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Life Sciences & Technology
Other Contact Information:

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陕西理工大学  本科  生物教育

西北农林科技大学  硕士  植物学

华中农业大学  博士  生物化学与分子生物学


华中农业大学 助教,讲师,副教授

法国巴黎十一大学  高级访问学者

2016.01-今:  华中农业大学 教授




   水稻发育生物学和表观遗传学。先后主持国家自然基金、国家重大研发计划、农业部转基因专项和湖北省自然科学基金等。在Nature Genetics, Nature Plants, PLoS Genetics和Plant Cell等国际权威杂志发表研究论文50余篇;参编参译英文学术专著2部;授权中国发明专利8项,国际发明专利1项。获得湖北省自然科学优秀论文一等奖和二等奖;湖北省细胞生物学会第三届优秀青年学者奖。

代表性科研论文(* 通讯作者)

1.        Geng L, Tan M, Deng Q, Wang Y, Zhang T, Hu X, Ye M, Lian X, Zhou DX and Zhao Y*. Transcription factors WOX11 and LBD16 function with histone demethylase JMJ706 to control crown root development in rice. The Plant Cell, 2024 Jan 8:koad318. Online ahead of print.

2.        Liu Q, Ma X, Li X, Zhang X, Zhou S, Xiong L, Zhao Y*, Zhou DX. Paternal DNA methylation is remodeled to maternal levels in rice zygote. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 18;14(1):6571.

3.        Li Z, Liu Q, Zhao K, Cao D, Cao Z, Zhao K, Ma Q, Zhai G, Hu S, Li Z, Wang K, Gong F, Ma X, Zhang X, Ren R, Qiu D, Zhao Y*, Yin D*. Dynamic DNA methylation modification in peanut seed development. iScience. 2023 Jun 7;26(7):107062.

4.        Li J, Li Q, Wang W, Zhang X, Chu C, Tang X, Zhu B, Xiong L, Zhao Y*, Zhou DX*. DELLA-mediated gene repression is maintained by chromatin modification in rice. EMBO J. 2023 Nov 2;42(21):e114220.

5.        Ma N, Li N, Yu Z, Chen C, Zhou DX, Zhao Y*. The F-box protein SHORT PRIMARY ROOT modulates primary root meristem activity by targeting SEUSS-LIKE protein for degradation in rice. J Integr Plant Biol. 2023 Aug;65(8):1937-1949.

6.        Xu Q, Wang Y, Yue Y, Chen Z, Zhou DX, Zhao Y*. Transcription factor WOX11 regulates protein translation via ribosome protein acetylation in rice roots. Plant Physiology. 2023 Apr 3;191(4):2224-2228.

7.        Wang J, Tan M, Wang X, Jia L, Wang M, Huang A, You L, Li C, Zhang Y, Zhao Y*, Wang G, WUS-RELATED HOMEOBOX 14 boosts de novo plant shoot regeneration. Plant Physiology. 2023 May 31;192(2):748-752.

8.        Xu QWang Y, Chen Z, Yue Y, Huang H, Wu B, Liu Y, Zhou DXZhao Y*.  ROS-stimulated protein lysine acetylation is required for crown root development in rice. Journal of Advanced Research. 2023 Jun:48:33-46. (高被引论文)

9.        Tan FQ #,  Wang W#, Li J, Lu Yue, Zhu B, Hu F , Li Q, Zhao Y*, and Zhou DX* (2022) A coiled-coil protein associates Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 with KNOX/BELL transcription factors to maintain silencing of cell differentiation-promoting genes in the shoot apex. Plant Cell, 34(8):2969-2988.

10.    Geng L#, Li Q#, Jiao L, Xiang Y, Deng Q, Zhou DX and Zhao Y* (2022). WOX11 and CRL1 act synergistically to promote crown root development by maintaining cytokinin homeostasis in rice. New Phytol, 237(1):204-216

11.    Zhang T, Xiang Y, Geng L, Jiang W, Cheng S, Zhao Y*(2022). A Non-Canonical MITE in the WOX11 Promoter Is Associated with Robust Crown Root development in Rice. Plant Cell Physiol. 63(8):1052-1062.

12.    Lu Y, Zhou DX, Zhao Y* (2020). Understanding epigenomics based on the rice model. Theor Appl Genet., 133(5):1345-1363.

13.    Jiang W, Shaoli Zhou, Honglin Huang, Huazhi Song, Qinglu Zhang, Zhao Y* (2020). MERISTEM ACTIVITYLESS (MAL) is involved in root development through the maintenance of meristem size in rice. Plant Molecular Biology, 104(4-5):499-511

14.    Zhang T, Tan M, Jiajia Li, Geng L, Xiang Y, Zhang B, Zhao Y* (2020). New Insight into Comprehensive Analysis of INDETERMINATE DOMAIN (IDD) Gene Family in Rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 154: 547–556

15.    Zhang T, Wu A, Yue Y, Zhao Y* (2020). uORFs: important cis-regulatory elements in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(17), 6238

16.    Hu Y,* Lai Y, Chen X, Zhou DX, Zhao Y*(2020). Distribution pattern of histone marks potentially determines their roles in transcription and RNA processing in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology, 249:153167

17.    Huang H, Ullah F, Zhou DX, Yi M, Zhao Y*(2019). Mechanisms of ROS Regulation of Plant Development and Stress Responses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:800 (高被引论文)

18.    Cheng S, Tan F, Lu Y, Liu X, Li T, Yuan W, Zhao Y*, Zhou DX*(2018). WOX11 recruits a histone H3K27me3 demethylase to promote gene expression during shoot development in rice. Nucleic Acids Research. 46(5):2356-2369

19.    Zhou S, Jiang W, Long F, Cheng S, Yang W, Zhao Y*, Zhou DX*(2017). Rice homeodomain protein WOX11 recruits a histone acetyltransferase complex to establish programs of cell proliferation of crown root meristem. The Plant Cell, 29(5):1088-1104

20. Jiang W, Zhou S, Zhang Q, Song H, Zhou DX, Zhao Y* (2017). Transcriptional regulatory network of WOX11 involved in the control of crown root development, cytokinin signals, and redox in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(11):2787-2798

21.    Cheng S, Zhou D-X, Zhao Y* (2016). WUSCHEL-related homeobox gene WOX11 increases rice drought resistance by controlling root hair formation and root system development. Plant SignalBehavior, 11(2):e1130198

22.    Zhao Y*, Cheng S, Song Y, Huang Y, Zhou S, Liu X, Zhou D-X (2015). The interaction between rice ERF3 and WOX11 promotes crown root development by regulating gene expression involved in cytokinin signaling. The Plant Cell, 27(9)2469-83

23.    Li J, Zhao Y*, Chu H, Wang L, Fu Y, Liu P, Upadhyaya N, Chen C, Mou T, Feng Y, Kumar P, and Xu J* (2015). SHOEBOX modulates root meristem size in rice through dose-dependent effects of gibberellins on cell elongation and proliferation. PLoS Genetics, 11(8):e 1005464

24.    Zhu N, Cheng S, Liu X, Du H, Dai M, Zhou D-X, Yang W, Zhao Y* (2015). The R2R3-type MYB gene OsMYB91 has a function in coordinating plant growth and salt stress tolerance in rice. Plant Science, 236146–156

25.    Cheng S, Huang Y, Zhu N, Zhao Y* (2014). The rice WUSCHEL-related homeobox genes are involved in reproductive organ development, hormone signaling and abiotic stress response. Gene, 266-274.

26.    Hu Y, Zhu N, Wang X, Yi Q, Zhu D, Lai Y, Zhao Y* (2013)Analysis of rice Snf2 family proteins and their potential roles in epigenetic regulation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 70C:33-42

27.    Zhao YZhou D-X*2012Epigenomic modification and epigenetic regulation in rice. J. Gen. Genomics. 39(7): 307-315

28.    Zhao Y, Hu Y, Dai M, Huang L, Zhou D-X*(2009). The Wuschel-related homoeobox gene WOX11 is required to activate shoot-borne crown root development in rice. The Plant Cell. 21:736-748


1.      Jia Q, Zhang X, Liu Q, Li J, Wang W, Ma X, Zhu B, Li S, Gong S, Tian J, Yuan M, Zhao Y, Zhou DX. A DNA adenine demethylase impairs PRC2-mediated repression of genes marked by a specific chromatin signature. Genome Biology. 2023 Aug 30;24(1):198.

2.      Xu Q, Yue Y, Liu B, Chen Z, Ma X, Wang J, Zhao Y, Zhou DX. ACL and HAT1 form a nuclear module to acetylate histone H4K5 and promote cell proliferation. Nat Communications. 2023 Jun 5;14(1):3265.

3.      Ma X, Jia Q, Li S, Chen Z, Ming X, Zhao Y, Zhou DX. An enhanced network of energy metabolism, lysine acetylation, and growth-promoting protein accumulation is associated with heterosis in elite hybrid rice. Plant Communication. 2023 Jul 10;4(4):100560.

4.      Zhou S, Li X, Liu Q, Zhao Y, Jiang W, Wu A and Zhou DX*. DNA demethylases    

remodel DNA methylation in rice gametes and zygote and are required for reproduction. Molecular Plant, 2021, 14(9):1569-1583.

5.      Zhou S, Jiang WZhao YZhou DX. (2019). Single-cell three-dimensional genome structures of rice gametes and unicellular zygotes. Nature Plants, 2019. 5(8):795-800.

6.      Lu Y, Xu Q, Liu Y, Yu Y, Cheng ZY, Zhao Y, Zhou D-X*(2018). Dynamics and functional interplay of histone lysine butyrylation, crotonylation, and acetylation in rice under starvation and submergence. Genome Biology, 19(1):144.

7.      Zhou C, Wang C, Liu H, Zhou Q, Liu Q, Guo Y, Peng T, Song J, Zhang J, Chen L, Zhao Y, Zeng Z*, Zhou D-X*(2018): Identification and analysis of adenine N(6)-methylation sites in the rice genome. Nature Plants 2018, 4:554-563.

8.      Zhang H, Zhao Y, Zhou D-X*(2017): Rice NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase OsSRT1 represses glycolysis and regulates the moonlighting function of GAPDH as a transcriptional activator of glycolytic genes. Nucleic Acids Research, 45:12241-12255

9.      Liu X, Zhou S, Wang W, Ye Y, Zhao Y, Xu Q, Zhou C, Tan F, Cheng S, and Zhou D-X* (2015) Regulation of Histone Methylation and Reprogramming of Gene Expression in the Rice Inflorescence Meristem. The Plant Cell, 27(5): 4725–4736

10.  Li T, Chen X, Zhong X, Zhao Y, Liu X, Zhou S, Cheng S, Zhou D-X* (2013). Histone demethylase JMJ705-mediated remove of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation is involved in defense-related gene activation in rice. The Plant Cell. 25: 4725–4736

11.  Xue W, Xing Y, Weng X, Zhao Y, Tang W, Wang L, Zhou H, Yu S, Li X, Zhang Q*(2008). Natural variation in Ghd7 is an important regulator of heading date and yield potential in riceNature Genetics 40:761-767


Educational Experience

[1] 2004.9——2009.6
华中农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Science > 理学博士学位
[2] 1997.9——2000.7
西北农林科技大学 > Master's Degree in Agriculture > 农学硕士学位

Work Experience

[1] 2000.7-Now

[2] 1996.7-1997.10

Research Focus

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