Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):张淑君
Name (Pinyin):zhangshujun
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:第一综合实验楼B座B511
Alma Mater:四川农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine
Discipline:Animal Genetic Breeding and Reproduction


- Effects of parity and days in milk on milk composition in correlation with β-hydroxybutyrate in tropic dairy cows.Tropical animal health and production,2021,
- Interplay between microRNAs and host pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs) signaling pathways in response to viral infection.VIRUS RESEARCH??,2014,
- Association of multi-pathogenic infections with BAT2, CXCL12, Mx1 and EHMT2 variations in pigs.MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS??,2012,
- Effects of the polymorphisms of Mx1, BAT2 and CXCL12 genes on immunological traits in pigs.MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS,2012,
- Polymorphisms in WISP1 and NMI Genes and their Effects on the Mortality of Chick Embryos.JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE,2012,
- Bcl11a is essential for lymphoid development and negatively regulates p53.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE,2012,
- Sex-biased mortality analysis in chick embryos during the entire period of incubation.JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH,2012,
- miRNAs and genes expression in MARC-145 cell in response to PRRSV infection.INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION,2014,
- Identification of complex vertebral malformation carriers in Holstein cattle in south China.GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH,2012,
- Stella-Cre Mice are Highly Efficient Cre Deleters.GENESIS,2011,