Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):张露
Name (Pinyin):Zhang Lu
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:人文社科楼M423
Alma Mater:中国地质大学(武汉)
Teacher College:College of Economics & Management
Discipline:Agricultural Economy Management
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
- 张露, 罗必良*. 小农生产如何融入现代农业发展轨道——来自中国小麦主产区的经验证据[J]. 经济研究. 2018(12): 143-160. [人大复印资料转载].
- 梁志会, 张露*, 张俊飚. 包容性制度能改善农村公共治理吗?——基于农业税改革与村庄农田水利投入关系的经验分析[J]. 管理世界, 2022, 38(09): 113-127. [人大复印资料转载].
- 张露,罗必良*. 农药减量:挖掘包装容量的秘密[J].中国农村经济,2022(11):59-81. [人大复印资料转载].
- 梁志会, 张露*, 张俊飚. 土地转入、地块规模与化肥减量——基于湖北省水稻主产区的实证分析[J].中国农村观察,2020(05):73-92. [人大复印资料转载].
- 张露, 罗必良. 农业减量化:农户经营的规模逻辑及其证据[J]. 中国农村经济,2020(02): 81-99. [人大复印资料转载].
- 张露,罗必良*.中国农业的高质量发展:本质规定与策略选择[J].天津社会科学,2020(05):84-92.(高等学校文科学术文摘2021年第1期转载).
- 张露,罗必良*.构建新型工农城乡关系:从打开城门到开放村庄[J].南方经济,2021(05):1-13. [人大复印资料转载].
- Lu Zhang#, Jorge Ruiz-Menjivar#, Biliang Luo*, Zhihui Liang*, Mickie Swisher. Predicting climate change mitigation and adaptation behaviors in agricultural production: A comparison of the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Value-Belief-Norm Theory. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2020, 68, 101408. [JCR一区期刊,五年影响因子8.646,入选ESI高被引论文,被Nature Climate Change作为Research Highlight推介,获美国佛罗里达大学高影响力论文奖].
- Lu Zhang#, Jorge Ruiz-Menjivar#, Qingmeng Tong*, Junbiao Zhang, Meng Yue, Examining the carbon footprint of rice production and consumption in Hubei, China: A life cycle assessment and uncertainty analysis approach, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 300(15), 113698. [SCI, IF:8.91].
- Qingmeng Tong, Brent Swallow, Lu Zhang*, Junbiao Zhang*. The roles of risk aversion and climate-smart agriculture in climate risk management: Evidence from rice production in the Jianghan Plain, China[J]. Climate Risk Management, 2019, 26: 100199. [SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.266].