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教师英文名称:Jiaqi Zhang



张佳琪,男,1982年生于浙江杭州。2001-2005年就读于华中农业大学园林专业,获学士学位;2005年起攻读华中农业大学园林植物与观赏园艺专业的硕士学位,导师包满珠教授;2007年提前转攻博士学位,201012月毕业,并获博士学位。20111月起进入华中农业大学园艺学博士后流动站,继续从事园林植物分子生物学方面的研究工作,20134月留校任教,随后于201612月晋升副教授、硕士生导师。曾先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目等。先后在国际刊物上发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文11篇。授权国家发明专利 5项;审定国家林业和草原局植物新品种权11个,制定湖北省地方标准2项。研究成果获评2018年华耐园艺科技奖(排名第三)。主讲《花卉学基础》、《花卉学》、《花卉学实验实习》等多门课程。



1. 悬铃木种质创新与新品种培育

2. 悬铃木成花调控的分子机理研究



1. 少球悬铃木华农青龙的繁育及叶片少毛材料的发掘,湖北省科技计划重点研发专项(2023BBB113)。

2. 悬铃木高接换优操作技术规程,湖北省地方标准制修订项目(T-Z-01-2021213)。

3. 林业植物新品种测试指南悬铃木属(Platanus L.),林业科技发展项目。

4. 观赏植物细胞工程与种质创新,中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(2662018PY015)。

5. PaFT调控通路参与悬铃木休眠调控的分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31570696)。

6. 悬铃木花发育相关基因的启动子的克隆及其表达调控解析,国家自然科学基金青年项目(31200526)。

7. 二球悬铃木PaFT基因选择性剪切机理的研究,中国博士后科学基金第五批特别资助(2012T50617)。

8. 二球悬铃木PaFT基因选择性剪切的生物学功能解析,中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(20110491159


发表论文#co-first author*corresponding author):

1. Wang M, Chen X, Zhang J*, Bao M. In vitro micropropagation of a novel non‑fowering radiation mutant of Platanus × acerifolia Willd. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11627-023-10409-6

2. Shi G, Ai K, Yan X, Zhou Z, Cai F, Bao M, Zhang J*. Genome-Wide Analysis of the BBX Genes in Platanus × acerifolia and Their Relationship with Flowering and/or Dormancy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24: 8576.

3. Shao C, Cai F, Bao Z, Zhang Y, Shi G, Zhou Z, Chen X, Li Y, Bao M*, Zhang J*. PaNAC089 is a membrane-tethered transcription factor (MTTF) that modulates flowering, chlorophyll breakdown and trichome initiation. Functional Plant Biology, 2022, 49: 392-404.

4. Shao C, Cai F, Zhang Y, Bao Z, Shi G, Bao M, Zhang J*. Regulation of alternative splicing of PaFT and PaFDL1, the FT and FD homologs in Platanus acerifolia. Gene, 2022, 830: 146506.

5. Cai F#, Shao C#, Zhang Y, Shi G, Bao Z, Bao M, Zhang J*. Two FD homologs from London plane (Platanus acerifolia) are associated with floral initiation and flower morphology. Plant Science, 2021, 310: 110971.

6. Zhang YP, Shao CS, Bao ZR, Cai FF, Zhu HF, Zhang JQ*, Bao MZ*. Identification and characterization of PaGL1-like genes from Platanus acerifolia related to the regulation of trichomes. Plant Molecular Biology, 2020, 104( 3): 235-248

7. Cai F, Shao C, Zhang Y, Bao Z, Li Z, Shi G, Bao M, Zhang J*. Identification and characterisation of a novel FT orthologous gene in London plane with a distinct expression response to environmental stimuli compared to PaFT. Plant Biology, 2019, 21: 1039-1051.

8. Guo C#, Zhang JQ#, Peng T, Bao MZ, Zhang JW*. Structural and expression analyses of three PmCBFs from Prunus mume. BiologiaPlantarum, 2014, 58 (2): 247-255 (SCI).

9. Zhang J#, Li Z#, Guo C#, Liu G, Bao M. Isolation and functional analyses of a putative floral homeotic C-function gene in a basal eudicot London plane tree (Platanus acerifolia). Plos One, 2013, 8: e63389.

10. Zhang J, Liu G, Guo C, He Y, Li Z, Ning G, Shi X, Bao M. The FLOWERING LOCUS T orthologous gene of Platanus acerifolia is expressed as alternatively spliced forms with distinct spatial and temporal patterns. Plant Biol, 2011, 13: 809-820.

11. Zhang J, Guo C, Liu G, Li Z, Li X, Bao M. Genetic alteration with variable intron/exon organization amongst five PI-homoeologous genes in Platanus acerifolia. Gene, 2011, 473: 82-91.

12. Yan X, Chen XY, Li YY, Li YH, Wang F, Zhang JQ, Ning GG, Bao MZ. The abundant and unique transcripts and alternative splicing of the artificially autododecaploid London Plane (Platanus × acerifolia). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24: 14486.

13. Zhang ST ; Zhou Q; Chen F; Wu L; Liu BJ; Li F; Zhang JQ; Bao MZ*;Liu, GF*. Genome-Wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of TCP transcription factors in Petunia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(18): 6594

14. Zhang YP, Zhang JQ, Shao CS, Bao ZR, Liu GF, Bao MZ*. Single - repeat R3 MYB transcription factors from Platanus acerifolia negatively regulate trichome formation in Arabidopsis . Planta , 249: 861 - 877

15. Zhang YP, Zhu HF, Shao CS, Ca i FF, Zhang JQ, Bao MZ *. PaMYB82 from Platanus acerifolia regulates trichome development in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Science, 2019, 287 : 110177

16. Lu S, Yi S, Zhang J, Liu L, Bao M, Liu G. Isolation and functional characterization of the promoter of SEPALLATA3 gene in London plane and its application in genetic engineering of sterility. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2019, 136: 109-121.

17. Zhang S, Lu S, Yi S, Han H, Liu L, Zhang J, Bao M, Liu G. Functional conservation and divergence of five SEPALLATA-like genes from a basal eudicot tree, Platanus acerifolia. Planta, 2017, 245: 439-457.

18. Li Z, Liu G, Zhang J, Zhang S, Bao M. Functional analysis of the promoters of B-class MADS-box genes in London plane tree and their application in genetic engineering of sterility. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2017, 130: 279-288.

19. Bao Z, Zhang Y, Shao C, Zhang J, Liu G, Bao M. A rapid and efficient in vitro shoot regeneration protocol using cotyledons of London plane tree (Platanus acerifolia Willd.). Plant Growth Regul, 2017, 83: 245-252.

20. Han H, Liu G, Zhang J, Zhang S, Cai F, Bao Z, Zhang Y, Bao M. Four SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE homologs from a basal eudicot tree (Platanus acerifolia) show diverse expression pattern and ability of inducing early flowering in Arabidopsis. Trees, 2016, 30: 1417-1428.

21. Lu S, Li Z, Zhang J, Yi S, Liu L, Bao M, Liu G. Isolation and expression analysis of a LEAFY/FLORICAULA homolog and its promoter from London plane (Platanus acerifolia Willd.). Plant Cell Rep, 2012, 31: 1851-1865.

22. Li Z, Zhang J, Liu G, Li X, Lu C, Zhang J, Bao M. Phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis of A-, B-, C-and E-class MADS-box genes in the basal eudicot Platanus acerifolia. J Plant Res, 2012, 125: 381-393.

23. Li Z, Liu G, Zhang J, Zhang J, Bao M. Extraction of high-quality tissue-specific RNA from Londonplane trees (Platanus acerifolia), permitting the construction of a female inflorescence cDNA library. Funct Plant Biol, 2008, 35: 159-165.

24. 过聪,张佳琪,张俊卫,包满珠*. 梅花PmCBFa基因的克隆与序列分析. 北京林业大学学报,201234:35-39.

25. 李志能黄文俊张佳琪张俊卫包满珠刘国锋.异硫氰酸胍法快速提取二球悬铃木组织总RNA的研究.武汉植物学研究,2007266-269



1. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农盘龙,培育人:张佳琪、包满珠、刘国锋、邵长生、汤思涵、顾天雷、刘帅。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20230496. 授权日期:2023.9.6

2. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农福风,培育人:张佳琪、包满珠、刘国锋、王斐、杨梦晴、沙飞。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20230500. 授权日期:2023.9.6

3. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农雄风,培育人:包满珠、张佳琪、刘国锋、郑往腾。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20230497. 授权日期:2023.9.6

4. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农舞龙,培育人:包满珠、张佳琪、刘国锋、林战帅。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20230498. 授权日期:2023.9.6

5. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农瑞风,培育人:包满珠、张佳琪、刘国锋。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20200414. 授权日期:2020.12.21

6. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农青龙,培育人:包满珠、刘国锋、张佳琪。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20200415. 授权日期:2020.12.21

7. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农清风,培育人:包满珠、张佳琪、刘国锋。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20200416. 授权日期:2020.12.21

8. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农丽风,培育人:包满珠、张佳琪、刘国锋、沙飞、杨海牛、刘芳。审定单位:国家林业和草原局,品种权号:20200417. 授权日期:2020.12.21

9. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农云龙,选育人:包满珠、刘国锋、张佳琪. 审定单位:国家林业和草原局, 品种权号:20190151。授权日期:2019.7.24

10. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农白龙,选育人:包满珠、刘国锋、张佳琪. 审定单位:国家林业和草原局, 品种权号:20190152。授权日期:2019.7.24

11. 新品种名称:悬铃木属华农游龙,选育人:包满珠、刘国锋、张佳琪、李卫东. 审定单位:国家林业和草原局, 品种权号:20190150。授权日期:2019.7.24



1.许林、包满珠、张思思、陈宝林、叶要妹、张佳琪、刘芳、郑往腾、林战帅、王建强、杨涛、余科。DB42/T 2063.1-2023.悬铃木 1部分:少果悬铃木育苗技术规程.武汉:湖北省市场监督管理局,2023

2.张佳琪、刘芳、包满珠、叶要妹、许林、张思思、杨海牛、李清源、王建强、林战帅、郑往腾。DB42/T 20632-2023悬铃木 2部分:悬铃木高接换种技术规程.武汉:湖北省市场监督管理局,2023



1. 包满珠; 邵长生; 张佳琪; 蔡芳芳; 石戈辉; 李阳阳; 陈喜燕; 郑往腾. 二球悬铃木PaNAC089基因在延迟植物开花中的应用,中国,ZL202110586813.3,授权公告日:2023.11.14

2. 包满珠;暴志茹;张佳琪;刘国锋;张艳萍;邵长生;王小林. 一种构建二球悬铃木子叶高频再生体系的方法,中国,专利号:ZL201710109602.4,授权公告日:2020.1.10

3. 包满珠; 张艳萍; 张佳琪; 刘国锋. 二球悬铃木PaMYB82基因在调控植物表皮毛中的应用,中国,ZL201910013298.2. 授权公告日:2020.12.15

4. 包满珠; 张艳萍; 张佳琪; 刘国锋. 二球悬铃木PaGL1基因在调控植物表皮毛中的应用,中国,ZL201910013297.8. 授权公告日:2020.12.15

5. 包满珠; 张艳萍; 刘国锋; 张佳琪. 二球悬铃木CPC家族基因在调控植物表皮毛中的应用,中国,ZL201711299530.0. 授权公告日:2020.12.01


[1] 2005.9——2010.12
华中农业大学 > 农学博士学位 > 农学博士学位
[2] 2001.9——2005.6
华中农业大学 > 农学学士学位 > 农学学士学位


[1] 2013.4-至今

[2] 2011.1-2013.3