Name (Simplified Chinese):张建
Name (Pinyin):zhangjian
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:武汉大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Lu J, Chen X, Zhang J, Sun Y, Bao S. Spatial Data Management and Analysis System for Flood Hazard Mitigation of Poyang Lake Watershed, China[J]. Geographic Information Sciences, 2007, 13(1-2): 10-17..
- Zhang J, Chen X, Zhong C, Wu H, Duan S. Application of Geo-Spatial Information Technology in the Engineering Manage of Roller Compaction Construction[C]//Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008. IEEE International. IEEE, 2008, 3: III-1312-III-1315. .
- Gan W, Chen X, Cai X, Zhang J, Feng L, Xie X. Spatial interpolation of precipitation considering geographic and topographic influences-A case study in the Poyang Lake Watershed, China[C]//Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International. IEEE, 2010: 3972-3975. .
- Zhang J, Chen X, Gan W, Yin S, Wu H. Exploring some issues of sub-pixel mapping based on directly spatial attraction[C]//Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International. IEEE, 2010: 339-342..
- Li Y, Li L, Wang J, Liu M, Lu X, Guo Z, Zhang J*. Prediction of SPAD value and distribution of rape leaf based on hyperspectral imaging technology[C]//Agro-geoinformatics (Agro-geoinformatics 2014), Third International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 1-5..
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Published Books
Research Projects
- “亚像元信息的影像纹理信息提取问题研究”, 华中农业大学科研启动项目资助”, (项目号:2011QC040), 项目负责人, 2009-2011
- “基于空间变异理论的遥感影像尺度下推方法研究”, 湖北省自然科学基金资助 (项目号:2010CDB099), 项目负责人, 2010-2012
- “非触式作物生长过程信息获取方法研究”, 中央高校基金交叉项目资助 (项目号:2011QC040), 项目负责人, 2011-2013
- “西北非耕地农业利用技术及产业化”, 中国农业部行业公益性项目资助”, (项目号:201203005), 项目部分参与,2012-2017
- “分形维数约束下的亚像元空间定位研究”, 中国自然科学基金委 (项目号:41201364), 项目负责人, 2013-2015