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Name (Simplified Chinese):张国忠
Name (Pinyin):zhangguozhong
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:工程楼A205 B204
Alma Mater:华南农业大学
Teacher College:College of Engineering
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Zhang Guozhong, male, born in 1971, Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor. Vice Dean, College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, scientist at the National Mechanization of Aquatic vegetable production in Modern Industrial Technology system, member of the steering Committee for Engineering training and Teaching in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education, member of the academic Committee of the key Laboratory of Agricultural equipment in the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yangtze River, member of the (ASABE) of the American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, senior member of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, Senior member of China Agricultural Engineering Society. The first "Haofeng Cup" in 2013 is the top ten agricultural machinery teachers in China, and the excellent scientific and technological innovation team of middle-aged and young people in institutions of higher learning in Hubei Province. Leader of key Intelligent Mechanization Technology and equipment Innovation team in Rice production. At present, he presides over and participates in the following projects: preside over the task of scientists in the technical system of vegetable industry with national characteristics, the key research and development plan of the state "Technological innovation of ratooning rice mechanization in the north of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River", and the project on the surface of the National Natural Science Foundation of China "study on the Coupling Mechanism of contact, Rheology and Resistance between flat contact components and soil in disturbed saturated Paddy Field (51775220)"; The project "key Intelligent Mechanization Technology and equipment of Rice production (2662018PY038)", which is funded by the Special Fund for basic Scientific Research expenses of Central Colleges and Universities, has presided over the completion of the national 2662018PY038 project "Regeneration Green Super Rice Federation". The research and development of harvesting technology and equipment ", the new technology and new technology project of Hubei Province," Integration and demonstration of rice mechanical cultivation techniques in the whole process-research on mechanization technology of sand cleaning and seedling raising ", the project" Development of regenerated rice harvester (2014PY043) "supported by the special fund of basic scientific research expenses of central colleges and universities; Participated in the completion of the National Natural Science Foundation of China project "study on the mechanism of high stubble straw rotation and burying and its multi-field coupling mechanism in paddy field" (51275196, second host), "study on fine adsorption and hole blowing of rice bud by porous air flow (51105147, second host)", national public welfare industry (51105147, second host), national public welfare industry (51105147, second host), national public welfare industry (51105147, second host). Agriculture) Special Fund Project "Integration demonstration of Rice Mechanized Precision planting Model and key Technologies (201203059 subproject, second moderator)", "ship Rice Direct seeding Machine Research (2013PY123, No. 2)", etc., which is funded by the Special Fund for basic Scientific Research and Business expenses of Central Colleges and Universities. As the main participants, they have participated in and completed the research and development of the key scientific and technological research projects in Hubei Province, such as "4CWO-3.2 ship automatic lotus root excavator", "1GMCL-70 ship rotary ploughing and grass burying machine" and "4ZG-2.1 bamboo harvester", among which "4CWO-3.2 ship self-cutting machine". Dynamic lotus root digging machine, "1GMCL70 ship rotary ploughing and grass burying machine" has passed the technical appraisal organized by Hubei Science and Technology Department. Has presided over the completion of Hubei Province local standards "ship rotary ploughing and grass burying machinery" and "rapeseed no-tillage direct seeder operation technical specifications" formulation (ranked third). The National Natural Science Foundation of China "study on dynamic cutting Mechanism of soil in High stubble Paddy Field (50975115, first host)", the National Agricultural Science and Technology leapfrogging Plan Project "Technical Integration and industrialization demonstration of ship rotating Tillage and Grass burying Machine" (third host), and the Experimental Research Project of Conservation Tillage Technology Innovation in the Ministry of Agriculture Experimental study on technological Innovation of Conservation Tillage "(third host), Youth Innovation Fund Project of Huazhong Agricultural University" Research on key Technology of Straw returning to Field in High stubble Paddy Field "(first moderator), rapeseed No-Tillage planter (horizontal, ranking third) and so on. It has won 11 national invention patents and more than 30 utility model patents. In recent years, more than 20 academic papers have been published, and one textbook, Mechanical Manufacturing process Foundation, has been edited by deputy editor-in-chief. Since 2006, I have been guiding the graduate students. So far, I have trained 19 graduate students, 11 graduate students and 7 doctoral students (including 2 foreign students).

Educational Experience


2014年09月-2015年09月 TEXAS A&M University ,Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,visiting scholar
[2] 2008.9——2011.12
华南农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Engineering > 工学博士学位
[3] 1999.9——2002.6
华中农业大学 > Master's Degree in Engineering > 工学硕士学位
[4] 1989.9——1993.6
华中农业大学 > Bachelor's Degree in Engineering > 工学学士学位

Work Experience

[1] 1993.7-Now

Social Affiliations











