教师英文名称:Fei Zhang
教师拼音名称:Zhang Fei

- • Zheng XW, Pontes O, Zhu JH, Miki D, Zhang F, Li WX, Iida K, Kapoor A, Pikaard CS, Zhu JK* (2008) ROS3 is an RNA-binding protein required for DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis. Nature 455:1259-1262..
- • Zhang F, Zuo KJ, Zhang JQ, Liu X, Zhang LD, Sun XF, Tang KX* (2010) An L1 box binding protein, GbML1, interacts with GbMYB25 to control cotton fibre development. J Exp Bot. 61:3599-3613..
- • Zhang F, Wang Y, Li G, Tang Y, Kramer EM, Tadege M* (2014) STENOFOLIA recruits TOPLESS to repress ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 at the leaf margin and promote leaf blade outgrowth in Medicago truncatula. Plant Cell. 26:650-664..
- • Wolabu T, Zhang F, Niu LF, Kalve S, Bhatnagar-Mathur P, Muszynski M and Tadege M* (2016) Three FLOWERING LOCUS T-like genes function as potential florigens and mediate photoperiod response in sorghum. New Phytol. 210:946-959..
- • Zhang F#, LeBlanc C#, Irish V*, Jacob Y* (2017) Rapid and efficient CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in Citrus using the YAO promoter. Plant Cell Reports 36:1883-1887..
- • Zhang F, May A, Irish V* (2017) Type-B ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATORs directly activate WUSCHEL. Trends Plant Sci. 22:815-817. .
- • LeBlanc C, Zhang F, Mendez J, Lozano Y, Chatpar K, Irish V, Jacob Y* (2018) Increased efficiency of targeted mutagenesis by CRISPR/Cas9 in plants using heat stress. Plant J. 93:377-386. .
- • Zhang F, Wang H, Kalve S, Wolabu T, Nakashima J, Golz JF, Tadege M* (2019) Control of leaf blade outgrowth and floral organ development by LEUNIG, ANGUSTIFOLIA3 and WOX transcriptional regulators. New Phytol. 223:2024-2038..
- • Zhang F, Rossignol P, Huang T, Wang YW, May A, Orbovic V, Irish V* (2020) Reprogramming of stem cell activity to convert thorns into branches. Curr Biol. 30: 2951-2961..
- • Zhang F, Wang YW, Irish V* (2021) CENTRORADIALIS maintains shoot meristem indeterminacy by antagonizing THORN IDENTITY1 in Citrus. Curr Biol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.02.051..