Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):杨利国
Name (Pinyin):yangliguo
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:第一综合楼B513
Alma Mater:南京农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Evaluation of efficacy, biodistribution and safety of antibiotic-free plasmid encoding somatostatin genes delivered by attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis.VACCINE,2014,
- Identification and IVC of spermatogonial stem cells in prepubertal buffaloes.THERIOGENOLOGY??,2014,
- Effects of immunization against a DNA vaccine encoding somatostatin gene (pGM-CSF/SS) by attenuated Salmonella typhimurium on growth, reproduction and lactation in female mice.THERIOGENOLOGY,2011,
- Polymorphism in exon 3 of follicle stimulating hormone beta (FSHB) subunit gene and its association with litter traits and superovulation in the goat.SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH,2011,
- Efficacy and Safety of an Oral Somatostatin DNA Vaccine without Antibiotic Resistance Gene in Promoting Growth of Piglets.SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY,2014,
Published Books