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教师拼音名称:Xiao Yangyi


当前位置: 中文主页 > 科研成果

1. 肖洋轶#, 贾鲁敏, 曾炳中, 雷宗霖, 高艺平, 万强*. 涂层强化齿轮传动抗胶合机理分析与试验 [J]. 农业工程学报, 2023, 39(23): 45-54.
2. Zonglin Lei, Zunge Li, Yangyi Xiao*. Comparative tribological performance of a-C:H, ta-C and AlCrSiN coatings on 20CrMnTi gear steel under dry sliding condition [J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2023, 75(10): 1125-1137.
3. Yangyi Xiao#*, Lanlan Wu, Jing Luo, et al. Mechanical response of thin hard coatings under indentation considering rough surface and residual stress [J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 108, 107991.
4. 肖洋轶#*, 罗静, 石万凯, 等. 表面微织构涂层-基体系统重载弹流润滑性能分析[J], 表面技术, 2020, 52(7): 159-167.
5. Yangyi Xiao#*, Liyang Fu, Jing Luo, et al. Nonlinear dynamic characteristic analysis of a coated gear transmission system [J]. Coatings, 2020, 93: 159-167.
6. Yangyi Xiao#*, Wankai Shi, Qiang Wan, et al. Evaluation of failure properties of a DLC/steel system using combined nanoindentation and finite element approach[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2019, 93: 159-167.
7. Yangyi Xiao#*, Wankai Shi, Jing Luo. Mechanical responses of coated solids in elastohydrodynamically lubricated line contacts[J]. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 2017, 11(5): 450-487.
8. Yangyi Xiao#*, Wankai Shi, Zhenhua Han, et al. Residual stress and its effect on failure in a DLC coating on a steel substrate with rough surfaces[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2016, 66: 23-35.
9. Yangyi Xiao#*, Wankai Shi, Jing Luo. Indentation for evaluating cracking and delamination of thin coatings using finite element analysis[J]. Vacuum, 2015, 122: 17-30.
10. Yangyi Xiao#, Wankai Shi*, Jing Luo, et al. The tribological performance of TiN, WC/C and DLC coatings measured by the four-ball test[J]. Ceramics International, 2014, 40(5): 6919-6925.
11. Yangyi Xiao#*, Wankai Shi, Jing Luo, et al. Contact characteristics of orthogonal face gear with spur involute pinion[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014, 16(5): 2330-2340.
12. Yangyi Xiao#, Wankai Shi*, Liangjun Li, et al. Fatigue performance of cylindrical gearing with DLC coatings[C]// International Gear Conference. 2014: 516-522.
13. 肖洋轶#*, 石万凯, 刘敬, 等. 混砂车搅拌罐内混合过程的数值模拟[J], 长安大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 34(2): 120-126.

1. 肖洋轶, 黎威, 曾炳中, 陈焱锜, 孙润阳, 周贤杰. 一种摆线针轮减速型机器人关节模组及其装配方法. 中国发明专利: ZL 202410453801.7
2. 肖洋轶, 李尊格, 卢传奇, 贾鲁敏. 高精度机器人关节减速器综合性能试验装置及其装配方法. 中国发明专利: ZL 202111131197.9
3. 肖洋轶, 姜钰, 胡洪平. 城市直驱式智能无人驾驶公共交通系统. 中国发明专利: ZL 201810037224.8
4. 肖洋轶, 雷宗霖, 宗望远, 吴擎, 万强, 李茂. 一种摇振式干果坚果收获机. 中国发明专利: ZL 202410197095.4
5. 肖洋轶, 邓丁霖, 宗望远, 李茂, 黄木昌. 一种曳引摇振式坚果收获机. 中国发明专利: ZL 202111326295.8