Name (Simplified Chinese):仙蜜花
Name (Pinyin):xianmihua
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Teacher College:College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
- Xian, M. H., & Xu, L. (2018). Social support and self-rated health among dementia caregivers: the mediating role of caregiving burden. Dementia-International Journal of Social Research and Practice.(SCI, Q2, IF=1.7) (Accepted).
- He, H., Xu, L., & Xian, M. H. (2017). The new rural pension scheme and family support and relationship- perspectives of older adults and their children in rural China. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research, 6(2), DOI:10.4172/2167-7182.1000400..
- 邓大松、仙蜜花.民族地区基础养老金统筹中的问题及对策-基于基础养老金全国统筹的视角[J]. 西南民族大学学报( 人文社会科学版),2016(8).(CSSCI 人大复印报刊资料《社会保障制度》2016年第12期全文转载).
- 邓大松、仙蜜花.美国反贫困政策及对中国扶贫工作的借鉴和启示——基于美国福利政策的分析[J].江淮论坛,2017(4).(CSSCI).
- 邓大松、仙蜜花.延迟退休年龄对城镇职工基本养老保险基金收支平衡的影响研究[J].江西财经大学学报,2015(5).(CSSCI).
- 仙蜜花、薛惠元.缴费激励机制下的养老金连年上调: 矛盾及其化解[J].贵州财经大学学报,2015(2)(CSSCI).
- 邓大松、仙蜜花.城乡居民基本养老保险实施中的问题及对策研究[J].经济纵横,2015(9). (CSSCI).