Juxun Wu
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Juxun Wu
Name (English):Juxun Wu
Name (Pinyin):wujuxun
Administrative Position:果树系副主任
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学


Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of Citrus sinensis varieties provide insights into Valencia orange fruit mastication trait formation..Horticulture Research,2021,
- Guizhi Feng,Juxun Wu*, Hualin Yi.(2019), Global tissue-specific transcriptome analysis of Citrus sinensis fruit across six developmental stages[J].Scientific data, 6(1): 1-8..
- Juxun Wu, Junying Cao, Mei Su, Guizhi Feng, Yanhui Xu, Hualin Yi*(2019), Genome-wide comprehensive analysis of transcriptomes and small RNAs insights into the molecular mechanism of a citrus rootstock in tolerance to alkaline stress,Horticulture Research6: 33..
- Wu Juxun, Zheng Saisai, Feng Guizhi, Yi Hualin*(2016), Comparative Analysis of miRNAs and Their Target Transcripts between a Spontaneous Late-Ripening Sweet Orange Mutant and Its Wild-Type Using Small RNA and Degradome Sequencing.Frontiers in Plant Science. 7 1416..
- Wu J., Fu L., Yi H.*(2016), Genome-Wide Identification of the Transcription Factors Involved in Citrus Fruit Ripening from the Transcriptomes of a Late-Ripening Sweet Orange Mutant and Its Wild Type.PLoS One. 11 e0154330..
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Published Books
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Research Projects
- 国家重点研发专项子课题任务,柑橘优质高效品种评价体系构建及适地适栽研究,2019/05-2023/12,27万元,在研,主持;
- 国家自然基金青年基金,31601729,miR159调控柑橘果实成熟的功能解析,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,结题,主持;
- 博士后自然科学基金面上项目,转录因子CsMYB77在柑橘果实成熟过程中的功能解析,2015/09-2019/09,5万元,结题,主持;
- 湖北省移民局2016年度三峡后续工作科研项目,三峡库区柑橘新品种的比较与示范,2017/12–2019/12,98万元,结题,参与(可支配经费25万元);
- 湖北省科技支撑计划项目,华农无核椪柑原原种繁育及示范推广,2018/01–2020/12,50万元,在研,参与。