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Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):王正聪
Name (Pinyin):wangzhengcong
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:博士
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Economics
Business Address:人文社科楼522
Alma Mater:Wageningen University and Research
Teacher College:College of Economics & Management
Discipline:Agricultural Economy Management    Enterprise Management    Technology Economy and Management    
Other Contact Information:



Dr. Wang's research focuses on harnessing AI, digitalization, and big data to tackle complex challenges at the intersection of food, human health, and environmental sustainability. By employing a systems-based approach, he integrates AI across the food chain to optimize processes and enhance the well-being of individuals, animals, and the environment. His work spans diverse areas, including precision agriculture, predictive modeling of disease outbreaks, farming practice optimization, and the development of decision support systems that prioritize animal welfare and environmental health. Collaborating with organizations and initiatives dedicated to sustainable and ethical food production, he has worked on projects with China, the European Union (EU), international research consortia, and governmental bodies.

A. Food safety of food cicular system

B. Climiate change on public health through chemical hazards along food chain

C. Anitibioc Resistence prediction and  monitoring in animal derived products

Educational Experience

[1] 2017.11——2021.10
Wageningen University > Agricultural Economy Management > Doctoral Degree in Economics > 经济学博士学位
Food Safety Management and Health Economics
[2] 2014.9——2016.12
Wageningen University > Technology Economy and Management > Master's Degree in Economics > 经济学硕士学位
Food supply chains safety management

Work Experience

[1] 2018.12-2022.11
Wageningen Food Safety Research > Team Agrochain > External Reseacher
Modelling Food supply chain safety monitoring