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教师拼音名称:Wang Peng


当前位置: 中文主页 > 科研成果
  1. Wang PengYang Xinhua. Elucidating deposition process of calcium carbonate and mechanical properties of precipitation via molecular dynamics simulation, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2024

  2. Li Jie, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng, Qian Qin. Interactions between displacement cascades and grain boundaries in NiFe single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 2023

  3. Li Jie, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng, An Qunli. Healing stacking fault tetrahedron in NiFe solid solution alloys through grain boundary migration. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2022

  4. Li Jie, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng, An Qunli. Dynamic interactions between low-angle grain boundary and stacking fault tetrahedron in Ni-Fe solid solution alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022,164572

  5. Li Jie, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng, An Qunli. Concentration-temperature superposition principle for grain boundary migration in Ni(Cu) bicrystals. Materials Today Communications. 2021, 27: 102464

  6. Li Jie, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng. Shear‑coupled grain boundary migration in bicrystal Ni with metallic dopant segregation. Journal of Materials Research. 2021, 36(3): 775-783

  7. Wang Peng, Yang Xinhua. Atomistic investigation of aging and rejuvenation in CuZr metallic glass under cyclic loading. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 185:109965

  8. Li Jie, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng. Further grain boundary migration in nanocrystalline Ni and its mechanism under constant shear strains. Computational Materials Science, 2020

  9. Yang Xinhua, Li Jie, Wang Peng. Grain boundary migration in nanocrystalline Ni under constant shear strains and its mechanism. Computational Materials Science. 2020, 176: 109530

  10. Wang Peng, Yang Xinhua, Peng Di. Effects of cyclic loading performance on grain boundary motion of nanocrystalline Ni. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2017, 48(10): 4977-4989

  11. Wang Peng, Yang Xinhua, Peng Di. Molecular dynamics investigation of the grain boundary migration hysteresis of nanocrystalline Ni under cyclic shear loading. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 25(2): 025006

  12. Wang Peng, Yang Xinhua, Peng Di. Initiation, evolution, and saturation of coupled grain boundary motion in nanocrystalline materials. Computational Materials Science, 2016, 112: 289-296

  13. Wang Peng, Yang Xinhua, Tian Xiaobao. Fracture behavior of precracked nanocrystalline materials with grain size gradients. Journal of Materials Research, 2015, 30(05): 709-716

  14. Tian Xiaobao, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng. Evolution of Polarization Vortex Pairs in a Uniaxially Compressed Single-Crystal BaTiO3 Thin Film: From Initiation to Annihilation. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2015, 44(10): 3795-3800

  15. Tian Xiaobao, Yang Xinhua, Wang Peng, Peng Di. Motion, collision and annihilation of polarization vortex pair in single crystalline BaTiO3 thin film. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103(24): 242905