Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):王春芳
Name (Pinyin):wangchunfang
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中国科学院水生生物研究所
Teacher College:College of Fisheries


Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
- No content
Paper Publications
- Dietary phosphorus affected growth performance, body composition, antioxidant status and total P discharge of young hybrid sturgeon (female Huso huso x male Acipenser schrenckii) in winter months.JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY,2012,
- Growth Performance and Stress Responses of Larval Mississippi Paddlefish Polyodon spathula to Hypoxia under Different Diet Treatments.BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2014,
- Combined effects of dietary phytase and organic acid on growth and phosphorus utilization of juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco.AQUACULTURE??,2014,
- The effects of concurrent supplementation of dietary phytase, citric acid and vitamin D-3 on growth and mineral utilization in juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco.AQUACULTURE,2015,
- 王春芳,陈昕,黄艳青。红白锦鲤育成配合饲料及其应用。申请号:201910294753.0,第一申请人
- 王春芳,陈昕,黄艳青。红白锦鲤色扬配合饲料及其制备方法与应用。申请号:201910294165.7,第一申请人
- 沙宗尧,王春芳。一种基于鱼类行为学模式的悬多叉树感器阵列。发明专利申请号:CN201710121710.3, 公开号:CN106614152A,与武汉大学合作
- 沙宗尧,王春芳。一种基于鱼类行为学模式的拉线传感器阵列。发明专利申请号:CN201710121457.1, 公开号: CN106889004A,与武汉大学合作
- 沙宗尧,王春芳。一种水产养殖精准投喂控制系统及方法。发明专利申请号:CN2017101212646.6, 公开号:CN106886179A,与武汉大学合作
Published Books
- No content
Research Projects
- 华中区精养池塘鱼类精准投喂管理系统的研发。《广东海大集团股份有限公司深化与华中农业大学合作协议》2018年子项目。2018/12-2019/11,10万,主持。
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31672667, VD3/VDR 在低磷饲料中调控鱼类干扰素作用轴的机制研究, 2017/01- 2020/12, 62万元,主持;
- Fish Body Composition Analysis for revising the International Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database Project, United States Soybean Export Council, 43000 US dollars in progress, 2017/05-2017/10, 主持;
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41371371,时空异步关联规则挖掘模型和算法,承担了“2016年部分地面植被样本生化成分分析”,负责经费为:2.25万元。
- 国家公益性(农业)行业专项“池塘养殖复合净化技术研究与示范” , 20120308,吃食性鱼类投喂与低磷排放技术研究与示范,2013/01-2013/12,3万元,结题, 参加;