Ben Wang
Name (Simplified Chinese):Ben Wang
Name (English):Ben Wang
Name (Pinyin):wangben
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


- Wang Ben, Zha Tianshan, Jia Xin, Wu Bin, Zhang Yuqing, Qin Shugao. Soil moisture modifies the response of soil respiration to temperature in a desert shrub ecosystem. Biogeosciences, 11, 259-268, 2014.
- Wang Ben, Zha Tianshan, Jia Xin, Gong Jinnan, Wu Bin, Bourque Charles, Zhang Yuqing, Qin Shugao, Chen Guopeng, Heli Peltola. Microtopographic variation in soil respiration and its controlling factors vary with plant phenophases in a desert–shrub ecosystem. Biogeosciences, 12, 5705-5714, 2015.
- Wang Ben, Zha Tianshan, Jia Xin, Gong Jinnan, Bourque Charles, Feng Wei, Tian Yun, Wu Bin, Zhang Yuqing, Heli Peltola. Soil water regulates the control of photosynthesis on diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature in a desert shrubland. Biogeosciences, 14, 3899-3908..
- Feng Wei, Zhang Yuqing, Jia Xin, Wu Bin, Qin Shugao, Wang Ben, Shao Chenxi, Liu Jiabin, Fa Keyu. Impact of environmental factors and biological soil crust types on soil respiration in a desert ecosystem, PloS ONE, 9(7): e102954, 2014.
- 李媛,贾昕,秦树高,吴雅娟,王奔.半干旱区典型沙生植物油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)的光合特性,生态学杂志, 34, 86-93, 2015.
- 吴雅娟,贾昕,秦树高,李媛,王奔.油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)光化量子效率和非光化学淬灭的动态及其影响因子,生态学杂志, 34, 319-325, 2015.
- Jia Xin, Gong Jinnan, Wang Ben, Zhang Yuqing, Wu Bin, Qin Shugao, Peltola Heli. Carbon and water exchange over a temperate semi-arid shrubland during three years of contrasting precipitation and soil moisture patterns, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 228-229, 120-129. 2016.
- Liu Peng, Jia Xin, Wang Ben, Guo Xiaonan, Zhang Yuqing, Wu Bin, Yang Qiang, Peltola Heli. Diurnal free-thaw cycles modify winter soil respiration in a desert shrub-land ecosystem, Forests, 7, 161, 2016.
- Xie Jin, Zha Tianshan, Zhou Caixian, Jia Xin, Yu Haiqun, Yang Bai, Chen Jiquan, Zhang Feng, Wang Ben, Bourque Charles, Sun Ge, Ma Hong, Liu He, Heli Peltola. Seasonal variation in ecosystem water use efficiency in an urban-forest reserve affected by periodic drought, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 221, 142-151, 2016..
- Chen wenjin, Jia Xin, Li Chunyi, Yu Haiqun, Xie Jin, Wang Ben, Wu Yajuan, Wang Shan. Extreme rainfall impacts on soil CO2efflux in an urban forest ecosystem in Beijing, China, Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, 96, 504-514, 2016..