Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):唐川
Name (Pinyin):tangchuan
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:美国克拉克森大学
Teacher College:College of Economics & Management

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Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Tang, Chuan, Jeffrey Czajkowski, Martin D. Heintzelman, Minghao Li, and Marilyn Montgomery. "Rail accidents and property values in the era of unconventional energy production." Journal of Urban Economics 120 (2020): 103295.
- Tang, Chuan, Martin D. Heintzelman, and Thomas M. Holsen. "Mercury pollution, information, and property values." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 92 (2018): 418-432.
- Zhou, Jiabin, Chuan Tang, Bei Cheng, Jiaguo Yu, and Mietek Jaroniec. "Rattle-type carbon–alumina core–shell spheres: synthesis and application for adsorption of organic dyes." ACS applied materials & interfaces 4, no. 4 (2012): 2174-2179.
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Published Books
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