Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):宋卉
Name (Pinyin):songhui
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:动科楼C408
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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- The Expression of Visfatin in Mouse Ovary and its Regulatory Effect on IFN-gamma.PAKISTAN VETERINARY JOURNAL,2014,
- The Effect of Visfatin on Inflammatory Reaction in Uterus of LPS-Induced Rats.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY,2015,
- The role of visfatin on the regulation of inflammation and apoptosis in the spleen of LPS-treated rats.CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH,2015,
- 杨智,高敏,肖珂,王为,彭克美,宋卉(*).内脂素对脂多糖刺激的大鼠肝脏组织结构和髓过氧化物酶的影响. 中国畜牧兽医,2015,42(1):92-97..
- 罗友,吴欣瞳,庞欣欣,肖珂,彭克美,宋卉(*).小鼠急性肺损伤造模条件的探究.中国畜牧兽医. 2017,44(8):2269-2276..
- Song Hui,Peng Kemei,Li Shenghe,Wang Yan,Wei Lan,Tang Li. Morphological characterization of the immune organs in ostrich chicks,Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.,2012,36(2):89-100..
- K Xiao,X Zhu,KM Peng,N Wang,H Song(*).Expression and Changes of Visfatin in the Intestinal mucosal of LPS-induced piglets. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2013, 12 (19):1484-1488..
- Ke Xiao,Chang-Wei Qiu,Min Chen,Zhi Yang,Jing Wang,Ke-Mei Peng,Hui Song(*). Distribution and Expression of Visfatin-Positive Cells in the Spleen of Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Piglets. International Journal of Morphology, 2014, 32(4):1457-1463..
- HUI SONG,Qiu-xia Lin,Rui-an Li,Ke Xiao,Ke-mei Peng,The Expression Visfatin in Mouse Ovary and its Regulatory on IFN-γ,Pak. Vet.J.,2014,34(2):180-184..
- Ke Xiao,Wei-hua Zou,Zhi Yang,Zia ur Rehman,Abdur Rahman Ansari,Huai-rui Yuan,Ying Zhou,Lu Cui,Ke-mei Peng,Hui Song(*).The role of visfatin on the regulation of inflammation and apoptosis in the spleen of LPS-induced rats. Cell and Tissue Research,2015,359(2):605-618..