Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):齐智利
Name (Pinyin):qizhili
Administrative Position:副系主任
Other Post:湖北省饲料质量监督监测站技术负责人,饲料产业技术创新联盟常务理事,全国宠物联盟常务理事,中国农科院农业传媒与传播研究中心培训师
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:博士
Business Address:动科楼A308
Alma Mater:内蒙古农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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Chen YJ, Wang ZY, Du CG, Qi ZL*, Guo YQ, Shen XH, Guo ZK, Zhang C, Zhang YF Yang HM. Correlation between chemical composition, EHGE and TME of corn for ducks[J]. South African Journal of Animal Science, 2020, 50(5): 672 - 678
Release time:2022-06-13 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Gao J, Liu YC, Wang Y, Li H, Wang XM, Wu Y, Zhang DR, Gao S, Qi ZL*. Impact of yeast and lactic acid bacteria on mastitis and milk microbiota composition of dairy cows[J]. AMB Express, 2020, 10(1): 22.
Next One:Rong Li,Ying Zhou, Yan Li, Liang Guo,Yifeng Zhang, Zhili Qi*.Effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on growth performance, small intestineorphology and antioxidant status in ducks under heat stress conditions. Int. J. Morphol., 2018.36(1):226-234