Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):彭健
Name (Pinyin):pengjian
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:动科楼A305
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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8. Dietary n-6:n-3 ratio and vitamin e improve motility characteristics in association with membrane properties of boar spermatozoa ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY 2017
Release time:2021-04-01 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:9. Effect of oregano essential oil and benzoic acid supplementation to a low-protein diet on meat quality, fatty acid composition, and lipid stability of longissimus thoracismuscle in pigs LIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 2017
Next One:7. Eicosapentaenoic acid abolishes inhibition of insulin-induced mtor phosphorylation by lps via ptp1b downregulation in skeletal muscle MOLECULAR & CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2017