Bo Ouyang
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Bo Ouyang
Name (English):Bo Ouyang
Name (Pinyin):Ouyang Bo
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:园林南楼424
Alma Mater:华中农业大学


- Zhang C, Ouyang B, Yang C, Zhang X, Liu H, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Li H, Ye Z. Reducing AsA leads to leaf lesion and defence response in knock-down of the AsA biosynthetic enzyme GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase gene in tomato plant. PLoS One 2013, 8: e61987.
- Xiong C, Zhang Y, Xu X, Lu Y, Ouyang B, Ye Z, Li H. Lotus roots accumulate heavy metals independently from soil in main production regions of China. Sci Hortic 2013, 164: 295-302.
- Zhang J, Chen R, Xiao J, Qian C, Wang T, Li H, Ouyang B, Ye Z. A single-base deletion mutation in SlIAA9 gene causes tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) entire mutant. J Plant Res 2007, 120: 671-678.
- Zhang J, Chen R, Xiao J, Zou L, Li H, Ouyang B, Ye Z. Isolation and characterization of SlIAA3, an Aux/IAA gene from tomato. DNA Seq 2007, 8: 405-412.
- 张丽英, 陈儒钢, 张俊红, 欧阳波, 肖景华, 李汉霞, 叶志彪. 辣椒抗病基因同源序列的克隆与分析. 中国农业科学, 2008, 41: 169-175.
- Wang T, Li H, Zhang J, Ouyang B, Lu Y, Ye Z. Initiation and development of microspore embryogenesis in recalcitrant purple flowering stalk (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis var. purpurea Hort.) genotypes. Sci Hortic 2009, 121: 419-424.
- Yang R, Deng C, Ouyang B, Ye Z. Molecular analysis of two salt responsive NAC-family genes and their expression analysis in Solanum lycopersicum. Mol Biol Rep 2011, 38: 857-863.
- 杨荣超, 蔡玉静, 邓春婷, 欧阳波, 叶志彪. 番茄两个盐胁迫响应基因的cDNA克隆及其表达分析. 植物科学学报, 2011, 29: 178-182.
- Cai Y, Deng C, Lu Y, Ouyang B, Li H. Construction of two gateway-compatible destination vectors for tomato functional genomics under abiotic stress. Agric Sci Technol 2011, 12: 500-503.
- Han Q, Zhang J, Li H, Luo Z, Ziaf K, Ouyang B, Wang T, Ye Z. Identification and expression pattern of one stress-responsive NAC gene from Solanum lycopersicum. Mol Biol Rep 2012, 39:1713-1720 .