Bo Ouyang
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Bo Ouyang
Name (English):Bo Ouyang
Name (Pinyin):Ouyang Bo
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:园林南楼424
Alma Mater:华中农业大学


- Li J, Ouyang B, Wang T, Luo Z, Yang C, Li H, Sima W, Zhang J,Ye Z. HyPRP1 gene suppressed by multiple stresses plays a negative role in abiotic stress tolerance in tomato. Front Plant Sci 2016, 7: 967.
- 熊春晖, 卢永恩, 欧阳波, 夏军辉, 张余洋,李汉霞.重金属铅镉胁迫对芋生长发育和产量的影响. 农业资源与环境学报 2016, 33(6): 560-567.
- Loukehaich R, Wang T, Ouyang B, Ziaf K, Li H, Zhang J, Lu Y, Ye Z. SpUSP, an annexin-interacting universal stress protein, enhances drought tolerance in tomato. J Exp Bot 2012,63: 5593-5606.
- 熊春晖, 卢永恩, 欧阳波,李汉霞.水生蔬菜重金属污染与防治研究进展. 长江蔬菜 2012, 16: 1-5.
- Li J, Sima W, Ouyang B, Luo Z, Yang C, Ye Z, Li H. Identification and expression pattern of a ZPR1 gene in wild tomato (Solanum Pennellii). Plant Mol Biol Rep 2013, 31: 409-41.
- Li J, Sima W, Ouyang B, Wang T, Ziaf K, Luo Z, Liu L, Li H, Chen M, Huang Y, Feng Y, Hao Y, Ye Z. Tomato SlDREB gene restricts leaf expansion and internode elongation by downregulating key genes for gibberellin biosynthesis. J Exp Bot 2012, 63: 6407-6420.
- Liu H, Ouyang B, Zhang J, Wang T, Li H, Zhang Y, Yu C, Ye Z. Differential modulation of photosynthesis, signaling, and transcriptional regulation between tolerant and sensitive tomato genotypes under cold stress. PLoS ONE 2012, 7: e50785.
- Huang W, Miao M, Kud J, Niu X, Ouyang B, Zhang J, Ye Z, Kuhl JC, Liu Y, Xiao F. SlNAC1, a stress-related transcription factor, is fine-tuned on both the transcriptional and the post-translational level. New Phytol 2013, 197: 1214-1224 .
- 熊春晖, 许晓光, 卢永恩, 欧阳波, 张余洋,李汉霞. 铅镉复合胁迫下莲藕对铅镉的富集及其生理变化. 园艺学报 2012, 39(12): 2385-2394.
- Luo Z, Zhang J, Li J, Yang C, Wang T, Ouyang B, Li H, Giovannoni J, Ye Z. A STAY-GREEN protein SlSGR1 regulates lycopene and β-carotene accumulation by interacting directly with SlPSY1 during ripening processes in tomato. New Phytol 2013, 198: 442-452.