Li Mei
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Li Mei
Name (English):Li Mei
Name (Pinyin):meili
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:东北林业大学
Discipline:Forest Cultivation


- Wennan Ding,Mengmeng Wu,Chu Wu,Jie Luo.Transcriptome and protein-protein interaction analysis reveals the tolerance of poplar to high boron toxicity regulated by transport and cell wall synthesis pathways..Environmental and Experimental Botany,2024,
- Junying Liu,Meng xue Zhang,Jie Fan.The Synergistic Effects of AMF Inoculation and Boron Deficiency on the Growth and Physiology of Camellia oleifera Seedlings.Forests,2023,14(1126):
- 赵泽尧,张雪,陈桐,赵天宇,徐帅.赵泽尧#,张雪#,陈桐,赵天宇,徐帅,梅莉*.马尾松苗木根系和光合碳供应驱动土壤微生物群落结构和温室气体释放.生态学报, 2022,42(15):6345-6355..生态学报,
- 陈隆生,陈永忠.陈隆升,梅莉*,陈永忠,赵泽尧,张震,胡亚军,刘彩霞,苏以荣. 油茶林生草栽培对地表径流及氮磷流失特征的影响。南京林业大学学报(自然科学版). 2021,6(45):127-134..南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),
- Xue Zhang, Zeyao Zhao#, Tong Chen,Tianyu Zhao, Lihao Song,Li Mei*(通讯). Fertilization and clear-cutting effect on greenhouse gases emission of pinewood nematode damaged Masson pine plantation. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2020.1868271..
- Jie Luo#, Zhu Liang#,Mengmeng Wu,Li Mei*(通讯). Genome-wide identification of BOR genes in poplar and their roles in response to various environmental stimuli. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2019(8).164:101-113.
- Wan-Long Su, Na Liu,Li Mei*(通讯), Jie Luo, Yi-Jie Zhu,Zhu Liang. Global Transcriptomic Profile Analysis of Genes Involved in Lignin Biosynthesis and Accumulation Induced by Boron Deficiency in Poplar Roots. Biomolecules 2019, 9, 156; doi:10.3390/biom9040156..
- 张雪,梅莉*(通讯),宋利豪,刘力诚,赵泽尧.模拟氮沉降对马尾松土壤微生物群落结构及温室气体释放的影响.生态学报, 2019,39(6):1917- 1925. DOI: 10.5846/stxb201809262087-.
- Growth, root morphology and boron uptake by citrus rootstock seedlings differing in boron-deficiency responses.SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2011,
- Possible Involvement of Locus-Specific Methylation on Expression Regulation of LEAFY Homologous Gene (CiLFY) during Precocious Trifoliate Orange Phase Change Process.PLOS ONE,2014,