Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):毛海欧
Name (Pinyin):maohaiou
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:经济学博士学位
Degree:Doctoral degree
Business Address:人文社科楼504-6
Alma Mater:华中科技大学
Teacher College:College of Economics & Management
Discipline:Quantitative Economics Agricultural Economy Management Industrial Economics International Trade World Economics
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
- [2] H., Görg, H., Mao*. Does the belt and road initiative stimulate Chinese exports? Evidence from micro data[J]. The World Economy, 2022, 45(7): 2084-2100. .
- [1] H., Görg, G. Fang, H., Mao. Foreign Divestment – Crisis or Chance for China’s Innovation Edge? China and World Economy. China and World Economy, accepted. .
- [12] 刘海云,毛海欧. 制造业OFDI对出口增加值的影响. 《中国工业经济》, 2016年第7期. .
- [11] 毛海欧, 刘海云.中国对外直接投资促进了产业升级吗?——基于出口劳动结构视角的研究, 《世界经济研究》,2018年第6期. .
- [10] 毛海欧, 刘海云. 中国OFDI如何影响了出口技术含量?《数量经济技术经济研究》, 2018年第7期..
- [9] 毛海欧,刘海云. 制造业全球生产网络位置如何影响了分工地位?——基于生产性服务业中介效应的分析. 《世界经济研究》, 2019年第3期. .
- [8] 毛海欧, 刘海云. 外商撤资降低了企业的自主创新效率吗?——基于中国工业企业与专利匹配数据的实证研究. 《国际贸易问题》, 2019年第11期..
- [7] 毛海欧, 刘海云. 中国对外直接投资与双边贸易互补:“一带一路”扮演了什么角色?《财贸经济》, 2019年第10期..
- [6] RM Atif, H Mahmood, L Haiyun, H Mao*. Determinants and Efficiency of Pakistan’s Chemical Products’ Exports: An Application of Stochastic Frontier Gravity Model. Plos One. 2019, 14(5): e0217210. .
- [5] H, Mao, G., Liu, C., Zhang, R. Atif. Does Belt and Road Initiative Hurt Node countries? A Study from Export Perspective. Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2019, 55(7): 1472-1485. .