Name (Simplified Chinese):罗雪松
Name (Pinyin):luoxuesong
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:武汉大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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- Diversity of ionizing radiation-resistant bacteria obtained from the Taklimakan Desert.JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY,2015,
- Xu Linghua,Zeng Xian-Chun*, Nie Yao,Luo Xuesong*, Zhou Enmin, Zhou Lingli, Pan Yunfan, Li Wenjun. Pontibacter diazotrophicus sp. nov., a novel nitrogen-fixing bacterium of the family Cytophagaceae. PLos One (2014) 9(3): e92294-e92294..
- Yang Ning, Liu Ming, Luo Xuesong*,Pan Jicheng. Draft genome sequence of Strain ATCC 17802(T), the type strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Mar Genomics (2015) 24(3):203-205..
- Yu Li Zhi-Han, Luo Xue-Song*, Liu Ming, Huang Qiaoyun. Diversity of ionizing radiation-resistant bacteria obtained from the Taklimakan Desert. J Basic Microbiol (2015) 55(1):135-140..
- Luo Xue-Song, Pan Yun-Fan, Shi Jing-Jing, Dai Jun, Hou Sha, Fang Cheng-Xiang, Peng Fang. Evidence of the Presence of bacteria highly resistant to beta-Lactam antibiotics in Taklimakan Desert and biochemical characterization of Paramesorhizobium deserti gen. nov., sp nov.,Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics (2015) 42(1):56-62..
- Luo Xuesong,Zeng Xian-Chun, He Zhancan, Lu Xiaolu, Yuan Jie, Shi Jingjing, Liu Ming, Pan Yunfan, Wang Yan-Xin. Isolation and characterization of a radiation-resistant bacterium from Taklamakan Desert showing potent ability to accumulate Lead (II) and considerable potential for bioremediation of radioactive wastes. Ecotoxicology (2014) 23:1915-1921..
- Luo Xuesong, Han Shun, Lai Songsong, Huang Qiaoyun,Chen Wenli. Long-term straw returning affects Nitrospira-like nitrite oxidizing bacterial community in a rapeseed-rice rotation soil. J Basic Microbiol (2017) 57(4):309-315..
- Luo Xuesong, Fu Xiaoqian, Yang Yun, Cai Peng, Peng Shaobing, Chen Wenli,Huang Qiaoyun. Microbial communities play important roles in modulating paddy soil fertility. Sci Rep (2016) 6:20326-20326..