Jie Luo
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Jie Luo
Name (English):Jie Luo
Name (Pinyin):luojie
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:西北农林科技大学

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Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Jie Luo*, Marien Havé, Gilles Clément, Frédérique Tellier, Thierry Balliau, Alexandra Launay-Avon, Florence Guérard, Michel Zivy, Céline Masclaux-Daubresse*. Integrating multiple omics to identify common and specific molecular changes occurring in Arabidopsis under chronic nitrate and sulfate limitations. Journal of Experimental Botany (2020) 71: 6471-6490.
- Jie Luo*, Jing-Jing Zhou. Growth performance, photosynthesis, and root characteristics are associated with the nitrogen use efficiency in six poplar species. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2019) 164:40-51..
- Jie Luo#*, Jing-Jing Zhou#, Céline Masclaux-Daubresse, Nian Wang, Hui Wang, Bo Zheng. Morphological and physiological responses to contrasting nitrogen regimes inPopulus cathayanais linked to resources allocation and carbon/nitrogen partition. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2019) 162:247-255.ESI高被引论文.
- Xiaohuan Mu,Jie Luo*. Evolutionary analyses of NIN‑like proteins in plants and their roles in nitrate signaling. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2019) 76:3753-3764..
- Jie Luo#, Zhu Liang#, Meng-Meng Wu, Li Mei*. Genome-wide identification ofBORgenes in poplar and their roles in response to various environmental stimuli. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2019) 164:101-113.
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Published Books
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Research Projects
- 国家自然科学基金青年项目:PtPIF4调控杨树氮素吸收同化的生理分子机制,2020.01-2022.12,主持
- 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目:高氮素利用效率杨树品种选育,2017.09-2018.12,主持
- 中央高校基本科研业务费项目:杨树对氮素的形态生理及分子响应机制,2017.01-2019.12,主持
- 欧盟第七框架项目(AgreenSkill+合同) : Nitrogen remobilization efficiency and autophagy for plant performance and sustainable agriculture,2017.05-2019.04,主持
- 高氮素利用效率杨树品种选育,在研