[1]. 刘浩蓬 龙长江. 一种无人多旋翼喷雾飞行器的设计,华中农业大学学报 ,2016(04): 12-16
[2]. 刘浩蓬 龙长江. 植保四轴飞行器的模糊PID控制.农业工程学报, 2015(1):71-77
[3]. Chang Jiang Long(龙长江), Huan Qi, Shenghe Huang. Mathematical modeling of cytotoxic lymphocyte-mediated immune response to hepatitis B virus Infection[J]. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (JBB), 2008,(3):1-9 (SCI:299MW)
[4]. Chang Jiang Long(龙长江), Huan Qi, Shenghe Huang. Mathematical modeling of dynamic host responses to Hepatitis B Virus Infection[C]. //Proceedings of the 2007 Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies, 2007,282-288 (EI:083411467976)
[5]. Qi, Huan, Long Changjiang(龙长江), Yang Dongliang. A dynamic model for the hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications&Algorithms, Part 2 Suppl. S. 2006, 13: 693-697 (SCI: 148GC)
[6]. Chang Jiang Long(龙长江), Huan Qi. A Dynamic Model for the Hepatitis B Virus Infection[C]. //The 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Orlando, Florida, USA 2006;( This paper was voted to be the best paper in the conference. After reviewed by the experts,it is regarded as an excellent paper (10% of the best papers),and is published by the magazine “Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics” in 2007, 5(1).
[7]. Long Changjiang(龙长江), Qi Huan, Huang Shenghe. Modeling the dynamic of HBV infection[J]. Adances in Systems Science and Application, 2006, 6(3): 355-360
[8]. Long Changjiang(龙长江), Qi Huan, Zhang Yipeng. A Dynamic Model of Gas Diffusion[J]. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms, Part 2 Suppl. S Dec 2006,13: 693-697 (SCI: 148GC)
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[4]龙长江;宫雪;许卓群;刘生锐; 武海洋;刘浩蓬;王馨蔓. 基于STM32的智能改装雷诺实验台. 2017-10-27 ,中国,ZL 206593830U
[5]龙长江;覃光胜;万鹏;颜家彬. 一种抽打与电击组合的遥控飞行驱赶器 , 2018.06.24,中国,ZL 201820924552
[6]龙长江;黄彭志;辛瑞;翟华振;熊子臣.一种畜禽养殖场多功能移动平台,2019.03.28,中国,ZL 201910243883