教师英文名称:Yongzhong Liu
学科:园艺学其他专业 果树学


- Liu X, Hu X-M, Jin L-F, Shi C-Y,Liu Y-Z*, Peng S-A (2014) Identification and transcript analysis of two glutamate decarboxylase genes, CsGAD1 and CsGAD2, reveal the strong relationship between CsGAD1 and citrate utilization in citrus fruit.Mol Biol Rep,41:6253-6262..
- Islam, M. Z., Hu, X. M., Jin, L. F., Liu, Y. Z., & Peng, S. A. (2014).Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Profile Analysis of Citrus Sucrose Synthase Genes: Investigation of Possible Roles in the Regulation of Sugar Accumulation. PloS one, 9(11), e113623.
- X-Y Yang, F-F Wang, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, J Zhong,Y-Z Liu*and S-A Peng.Branch Girdling at Fruit Green Mature Stage Affects Fruit Ascorbic Acid Contents and Expression of Genes Involved in L-Galactose Pathway(27-Sep-2012).New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science,2013,41(1):23-31..
- 姜妮,高海文,金龙飞,刘永忠,彭抒昂.地表覆膜对柑橘果实糖积累及蔗糖代谢酶活性的影响.中国农业科学2013,46(2):317-324.
- Cheng-Quan Yang,Yong-Zhong Liu,Ji-Cui An, Shuang Li, Long-Fei Jin, Gao-Feng Zhou, Qing-Jiang Wei,Hui-Qing Yan, Nan-Nan Wang, Li-Na Fu, Xiao Liu, Xiao-Mei Hu, Ting-Shuai Yan, Shu-Ang Peng.Digital Gene Expression Analysis of Corky Split Vein Caused by Boron Deficiency in ‘Newhall’ Navel Orange ( Citrus sinensis Osbeck) for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes Related to Vascular Hypertrophy.Plos One 2013,8(6),e65737..
- 汪源,刘永忠,彭抒昂,胡先文.脐橙精油氧化还原性对油胞下陷病害的影响.果树学报,2013, 30(1): 94-98..
- 高海文,姜妮,刘永忠*,彭抒昂.地表覆膜对椪柑果实糖酸品质及矿质元素的影响.华中农业大学学报,2013,32(5): 45-49..
- Y. Z. LIU, S. LI, C. Q. YANG and S. A. PENG.Effects of boron-deficiency on anatomical structures in the leaf main vein and fruit mesocarp of pummelo [Citrus grandis(L.) Osbeck].The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology,2013, 88(6):693-700..
- Qingjiang Wei,Yongzhong Liu,Gaofeng Zhou, Qiaohong Li, Chengquan Yang, Shu-ang Peng. Overexpression of CsCLCc, a Chloride Channel Gene fromPoncirus trifoliata, Enhances Salt Tolerance inArabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,2013,31(6):1548-1557..
- Gao F. Zhou,Shu A. Peng,Yong Z. Liu, Qing J. Wei, Jia Han, Md. Zahidul Islam. The physiological and nutritional responses of seven different citrus rootstock seedlings to boron deficiency. Tree_Structure and Function, 2013, 10.1007/s00468-013-0949-y..