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教师英文名称:Yongzhong Liu
学科:园艺学其他专业    果树学    




1. 个人简介

 刘永忠,中共党员,湖南株洲人,教授、博士、博士研究生导师,2016-至今是现代农业(柑橘)产业体系岗位专家。1992.6-1999.6月西南农业大学(现西南大学)园艺系果树专业求学,获硕士学位;1999.7-至今在华中农业大学从事教学工作,其中2002.9-2006.12在华中农业大学师从邓秀新院士在职攻读果树专业博士学位,2009.12-2010.12前往以色列农业研究组织从事1年的博士后研究。长期从事果树(柑橘)栽培技术研发和果实品质调控方面的研究,先后主持国家省部级课题20余项,是国家重点研发计划“常绿果树优质轻简高效栽培技术集成与示范”项目负责人、国家重点研发计划“柑橘黄龙病综合防控技术集成研究与示范”项目课题5负责人,并参与国家重点研发计划“果树优质丰产的生理基础与调控”;先后发表科研论文80余篇,主编《柑橘提质增效核心技术研究与示范》、《黄龙病疫区永春芦柑种植管理新技术》、《画说柑橘优质丰产关键技术》和《柑橘生产精细管理十二个月》等著作,参编标准5项, 申请专利2项。

2. 联系方式:


办公室:园林楼509  ||  e-mailliuyongzhong@mail.hzau.edu.cn  || qq: 373631558 

3. 教学工作:


4. 研究兴趣


Ø 柑橘果实品质(糖分、有机酸和果实化渣性)形成机制及调控

Ø 柑橘树型培育与维护基础研究

Ø 果树(柑橘)省力、安全、优质栽培技术研发与示范

Ø 柑橘黄龙病绿色综合防控栽培技术研发与示范

5. 在研主持课题





















6. 发表论著(2013-,*为通讯作者):


Shi C-Y, Hussain SB, Han H, Alam SM, Liu D, Liu Y-Z* (2021) Reduced expression of CsPH8, a P-type ATPase gene, is the major factor leading to the low citrate accumulation in citrus leaves. Plant Physiol Biochem 160:211-217

Du W, Hussain S-B, Jin L-F, Liu X, Li R-N, Han Z-X, Liu Y-Z*, Pan Z-Y*, Peng S-A*. (2021). Characteristics of boron distribution in the 'newhall' navel orange plant with two root systems. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 167:42-48.


Syed Bilal Hussain, Cai-Yun Shi, Ling-Xia Guo, Wei Du, Ying-Xing Bai, Hafiz Muhammad Kamran, Alisdair R Fernie, Yong-Zhong Liu*.Type I H+-Pyrophosphatase Regulates the Vacuolar Storage of Sucrose in Citrus Fruit, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, eraa298, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/eraa298

Du W, Pan Z-Y, Hussain S B, Han Z-X, Peng S-A, & Liu Y-Z*. Foliar Supplied Boron Can Be Transported to Roots as a Boron-Sucrose Complex via Phloem in Citrus Trees. Frontiers in Plant Science, 202011(250). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00250.

Guo LXLiu YZ*, Luo LJ,Hussain SB, Bai YX, Alam,SM. Comparative Metabolites and Citrate-Degrading Enzymes Activities in Citrus Fruits Revealthe Role of Balance between ACL and Cyt-ACO in Metabolite Conversions.Plants, 20203(9): 350

Hussain SB, Guo L-X, Shi C-Y, Khan MA, Bai Y-X, Du W, Liu Y-Z*. Assessment of Sugar and Sugar Accumulation-Related Gene Expression Profiles Reveal New Insight into the Formation of Low Sugar Accumulation Trait in a Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) Bud Mutant. Mol Biol Rep, 2020472781-2791

Bai, Y.-X., S. B. Hussain, X. Wei, C.-Y. Shi, D.-H. Liu and Y.-Z. Liu*. Identification and transcript analysis of CsAPD2 reveal its potential role in citric acid accumulation in citrus fruits. Scientia Horticulturae2020272: 109607.


柳嘉程,柳东海,刘烽,刘永忠*. 肥水控制纽荷尔脐橙枝梢生长初步研究. 湖北农业科学,2020,59(4):102-104.

刘永忠主编. 柑橘生产精细管理十二个月.中国农业出版社,北京,2020.1


Liu X, Guo L-X, Luo L-J, Liu Y-Z*, Peng S-A* (2019) Identification of the magnesium transport (MGT) family in Poncirus trifoliata and functional characterization of PtrMGT5 in magnesium deficiency stress. Plant Molecular Biology, 2019101(6), 551-560

Shi C-Y, Hussain SB, Yang H, Bai Y-X, Khan MA, Liu Y-Z*. CsPH8, a P-type proton pump gene, plays a key role in the diversity of citric acid accumulation in citrus fruits. Plant Sci2019289: 110288

严敏, 罗丽娟, 韩忠星, 袁野, 李江波, 杜威, 刘永忠*. 南丰蜜橘和南丰蜜广果实质构特性、细胞壁成分及营养元素比较研究. 农业科学, 2019, 9(8): 689-696.

刘永忠 主编. 画说柑橘优质丰产关键技术.中国农业科技出版社,北京,2019.4.

韦欣,罗丽娟,严翔,陈传武,张生才,刘永忠.黄龙病对柑桔果实品质及矿质元素的影响.中国南方果树,2019,48(03): 11-14.


Long‑Fei JinDa‑Yong GuoDong‑yuan NingSyed Bilal HussainYong‑Zhong Liu*. Covering the trees of Kinokuni tangerine with plastic film during fruit ripening improves sweetness and alters the metabolism of cell wall components. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2018) 40:182

Shi C-Y, Hussain SB, Guo L-X, Yang H, Ning D-Y, Liu Y-Z* (2018) Genome-wide identification and transcript analysis of vacuolar-ATPase genes in citrus reveal their possible involvement in citrate accumulation. Phytochemistry 155:147-154.

邓钊,王清廉,杨欢,张福琼,刘永忠*,彭抒昂. 椪柑省力化疏花疏果研究[J].华中农业大学学报, 2018,37(04): 45-49.

杨欢,尹欣幸,宁东媛,李德雄,黄先彪,刘永忠*. 南丰蜜橘夏季省力化修剪对秋梢形成、成花和坐果的影响.华中农业大学学报, 2018, 37(3): 19-24.


刘永忠*,彭抒昂,张生才,曾继吾,朱东煌,方贻文. 柑桔黄龙病防控关键点分析及其实证[J]. 中国南方果树,2017,46(06):40-44.

刘永忠,张生才 编著.黄龙病疫区永春芦柑种植管理新技术. 中国农业科技出版社,北京:2017.10

Syed Bilal Hussain, Cai-Yun Shi, Lin-Xia Guo, Hafiz Muhammad Kamran, Avi Sadka & Yong-Zhong Liu*.Recent Advances in the Regulation of Citric Acid Metabolism in Citrus Fruit. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2017, 364):241-256.

刘永忠*,孙站成,杨文杰,秦喜秀,李国怀. 园艺学实验(总论)课程教学内容优化与实施——华中农业大学园艺学实验课程教改案例解析[J]. 高等农业教育,2017,(03):68-70.

李德雄,张福琼,黄先彪,彭抒昂,刘永忠*,方红,张光明. 南丰蜜桔隔年交替结果研究简报. 中国南方果树,2017,46(03): 48-50.

Xiao Liu, Jia-Wei Zhang, Ling-Xia Guo, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Long-Fei Jin, Syed Bilal Hussain, Wei Du, Zhao Deng and Shu-Ang Peng*. Transcriptome Changes Associated with Boron Deficiency in Leaves of Two Citrus Scion-Rootstock Combinations. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 317.

Long-Fei JinYong-Zhong Liu*Wei DuLi-Na FuSyed Bilal HussainShu-Ang Peng*.Physiological and transcriptional analysis reveals pathways involved in iron deficiency chlorosis in fragrant citrus. Tree Genetics & Genomes (2017) 13: 51.


Guo, LX, Shi CY, Liu X, Ning DY, Jin LF, Yang H, Liu YZ*. Citrate Accumulation-Related Gene Expression and/or Enzyme Activity Analysis Combined With Metabolomics Provide a Novel Insight for an Orange Mutant. Sci. Rep. 20166, 29343; doi: 10.1038/srep29343.

Xiao Liu, Long-Fei Jin, Ling-xia Guo, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Tao Liu, Yu-Hua Fan, Shu-Ang Peng.Identification and transcript profiles of citrus growth-regulating factor genes involved in the regulation of leaf and fruit development. Molecular Biology Reports. 2016doi: 10.1007/s11033-016-4048-1

尹欣幸,宋瑞琴,金龙飞,刘永忠*,彭抒昂. 温州蜜柑交替结果关键技术.中国南方果树,2016451):109-110112

Long-Fei Jin, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Xin-Xing Yin, Shu-Ang Peng*. Transcript analysis of citrus miRNA397 and its target LAC7 reveals a possible role in response to boron toxicity. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38: DOI 10.1007/s11738-015-2035-0.

Li QH, Liu YZ, Pan ZY,Peng SA*. Boron deficiency alters root growth and development and interacts with auxin metabolism by influencing the expression of auxin synthesis and transport genes. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2016,34(1): 1-8.



Xiao-Mei Hu, Cai-Yun Shi, Xiao Liu, Long-Fei Jin, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Shu-Ang Peng.Genome-wide identification of citrus ATP-citrate lyase genes and their transcript analysis in fruits reveals their possible role in citrate utilization.Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2015,290:29-38.

Shi CY, Song RQ, Hu XM, Liu X, Jin LF and Liu YZ*. Citrus PH5-like H+-ATPase genes: identification and transcript analysis to investigate their possible relationship with citrate accumulation in fruits. Front. Plant Sci. 20156: 135.

Mohammad Zahidul Islam, Long-Fei Jin, Cai-Yun Shi, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Shu-Ang Peng.Citrus sucrose transporter genes: genome-wide identification and transcript analysis in ripening and ABA-injected fruits.Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2015,11(5):97.

尹欣幸,帕热达木·依米尔,宋瑞琴,刘永忠*,彭抒昂,李德雄,吴庆华.乙烯利和萘乙酸对温州蜜柑疏花疏果的影响.中国南方果树, 2015, 44(5): 34-36

刘永忠 编著.柑橘提质增效核心技术研究与应用.北京:中国农业科技出版社. 2015.4259千字).


Ni Jiang, Long-Fei Jin, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, MD Zahidul Islam, Hai-Wen Gao, Yong-Zhong Liu*, and Shu-Ang Peng.Activities of enzymes directly related with sucrose and citric acid metabolism in citrus fruit in response to soil plastic film mulch. Scientia Horticulturae 201416873-80.

宋瑞琴,刘 东,石彩云,黄先彪,刘永忠*,李德雄.温州蜜柑常规园的单株产量和品质分析.中国南方果树,2014,43(3):32-34

Liu X, Hu X-M, Jin L-F, Shi C-Y, Liu Y-Z*, Peng S-A (2014) Identification and transcript analysis of two glutamate decarboxylase genes, CsGAD1 and CsGAD2, reveal the strong relationship between CsGAD1 and citrate utilization in citrus fruit. Mol Biol Rep,41:6253-6262

Islam, M. Z., Hu, X. M., Jin, L. F., Liu, Y. Z., & Peng, S. A. (2014). Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Profile Analysis of Citrus Sucrose Synthase Genes: Investigation of Possible Roles in the Regulation of Sugar Accumulation. PloS one, 9(11), e113623


X-Y Yang, F-F Wang, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, J Zhong, Y-Z Liu* and S-A Peng.Branch Girdling at Fruit Green Mature Stage Affects Fruit Ascorbic Acid Contents and Expression of Genes Involved in L-Galactose Pathway(27-Sep-2012).New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science,2013,41(1):23-31.

姜妮,高海文,金龙飞,刘永忠,彭抒昂.地表覆膜对柑橘果实糖积累及蔗糖代谢酶活性的影响.中国农业科学 2013,46(2):317-324

Cheng-Quan Yang, Yong-Zhong Liu, Ji-Cui An, Shuang Li, Long-Fei Jin, Gao-Feng Zhou, Qing-Jiang Wei,Hui-Qing Yan, Nan-Nan Wang, Li-Na Fu, Xiao Liu, Xiao-Mei Hu, Ting-Shuai Yan, Shu-Ang Peng.Digital Gene Expression Analysis of Corky Split Vein Caused by Boron Deficiency in ‘Newhall’ Navel Orange ( Citrus sinensis Osbeck) for Selecting Differentially Expressed Genes Related to Vascular Hypertrophy.Plos One 2013,8(6),e65737



Y. Z. LIU, S. LI, C. Q. YANG and S. A. PENG.Effects of boron-deficiency on anatomical structures in the leaf main vein and fruit mesocarp of pummelo [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck].The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology,2013, 88(6):693-700

Qingjiang Wei, Yongzhong Liu, Gaofeng Zhou, Qiaohong Li, Chengquan Yang, Shu-ang Peng. Overexpression of CsCLCc, a Chloride Channel Gene from Poncirus trifoliata, Enhances Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,2013,31(6):1548-1557

Gao F. Zhou,Shu A. Peng, Yong Z. Liu, Qing J. Wei, Jia Han, Md. Zahidul Islam. The physiological and nutritional responses of seven different citrus rootstock seedlings to boron deficiency. Tree_Structure and Function, 2013, 10.1007/s00468-013-0949-y

刘永忠.第七章 柑橘果实品质及其调控(糖、酸和Vc.柑橘学,邓秀新,彭抒昂主编.中国农业出版社,2013pp207-249




[1] 2002.9——2006.12
华中农业大学 > 果树学 > 农学博士学位 > 博士
[2] 1996.9——1999.6
西南农业大学(现西南大学) > 果树学 > 农学硕士学位 > 硕士
[3] 1992.9——1996.7
西南农业大学(现西南大学) > 果树学 > 农学学士学位 > 学士
[4] 2002.9——2007.1
华中农业大学 > 博士 > 博士


[1] 2009.12-2010.12
以色列农业研究组织 > 果实部
[2] 2016.1-至今
华中农业大学 > 园艺林学学院 > 教授
[3] 2007.1-2015.12
华中农业大学 > 园艺林学学院 > 副教授
[4] 1999.7-2006.12
华中农业大学 > 园艺林学学院 > 助教/讲师
[5] 2009.12-2010.12
[6] 1999.7-至今