教师英文名称:Wenping Liu

- Wenping Liu*, Qian Chen, Yan Li, Zhiqing Wu. Application of GPS tracking for understanding recreational flows within urban park.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,2021,63
- Huaizhi Tang,Wenping Liu*,Wenju Yun. Spatiotemporal dynamics of green spaces in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in the past 20 years. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 2049.
- Wenping Liu*, Weijuan Chen, Chenlu Dong. Spatial decay of recreational services of urban parks: Characteristics and influencing factors. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2017, 25: 130-138.
- Wenping Liu*, Chenlu Dong, Weijuan Chen. Mapping and quantifying spatial and temporal dynamics and bundles of travel flows of residents visiting urban parks. Sustainability, 2017,9,1296.
- Wenping Liu, Jirko Holst, Zhenrong Yu*. Thresholds of Landscape change: A New Tool of Social-economic Development for Green Infrastructure Management. Landscape Ecology, 2014, 29:729-743.
- Fangzheng Li, Na Yao, Dining Li, Wenping Liu, Yihao Sun, Wenwen Cheng, Xiaoli Wang, Yannan Zhao. Explore the recreational service of large urban parks and its influential factors in city clusters – Experiments from 11 cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region..Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,128261
- Pengrui Wang, Chen Zeng*, Yan Song, Long Guo, Wenping Liu, Wenting Zhang. The spatial effect of administrative division on land-use intensity.Land,2021,10543
- Huaizhi Tang, Wenju Yun,Wenping Liu, Lingling Sang. Structural changes in the development of China’s farmland consolidation in 1998-2017: Changing ideas and future framework. Land Use Policy, 2019, 89, 104212.
- Yajuan Chen, Qian Zhang,Wenping Liu, Zhenrong Yu. Analyzing farmers’ perceptions of ecosystem services and PES Schemes within agricultural landscapes in Mengyin County, China: Transforming trade-offs into synergies. Sustainability, 2017, 9, 1459.
- Wenping Liu. Quantifying spatiotemporal characteristics of recreational service flows of urban parks. The 9th Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) world conference. 2017.12. Shenzheng, China.