Name (Simplified Chinese):林拥军
Name (Pinyin):linyongjun
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Life Sciences & Technology


- Xiaolei Fan, Jiemin Wu, Taiyu Chen, Weiwei Tie, Hao Chen, Fei Zhou, Yongjun Lin*. Loss-of-function mutation of rice SLAC7 decreases chloroplast stability and induces a photoprotection mechanism in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2015, 12:1063–1077.
- Taiyu Chen, Xin-Guang Zhu, Yongjun Lin*. Major alterations in transcript profiles between C3–C4 and C4 photosynthesis of an amphibious species Eleocharis baldwinii. Plant Molecular Biology, 2014, 86:93-110.
- Wei Zhang, Bingliang Wan, Fei Zhou, Hao Chen, Xianghua Li, Yongjun Lin*. Up- and Down-regulated Expression of OsCPK25/26 Results in Increased Number of Stamens in Rice. Plant Molecular Biology Report, 2014, 32:1114-1128.
- Yong Zhou, Li Liu, Weifeng Huang, Meng Yuan, Fei Zhou, Xianghua Li, Yongjun Lin*. Overexpression of OsSWEET5 in Rice Causes Growth Retardation and Precocious Senescence. PLoS ONE, 2014, 4: e94210. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094210.
- Hao Chen, Jiang Shan, Zheng Jie, Yongjun Lin*. Improving panicle exsertion of rice cytoplasmic male sterile line by combination of artificial microRNA and artificial target mimic. Plant Biotechnol Journal, 2013, 11:336-343.
- Congwu He, Lijun Wang, Jian Liu, Xin Liu, Xiuli Li, Jie Ma, Yongjun Lin* and Fangsen Xu. Evidence for ‘silicon’ within the cell walls of suspension-cultured rice cells. New Phytologist, 2013, doi: 10.1111/nph.12401.
- Yong Zhou, Weifeng Huang, Li Liu, Taiyu Chen, Fei Zhou and Yongjun Lin*. Identification and functional characterization of a rice NAC gene involved in the regulation of leaf senescence. BMC Plant Biology, 2013, 13:132, doi:10.1186/1471-2229-13-132.
- Weiwei Tie, Fei Zhou, Lei Wang, Weibo Xie, Hao Chen, Xianghua Li, Yongjun Lin*. Reasons for lower transformation efficiency in indica rice using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation: Lessons from transformation assays and genome-wide expression profiling. Plant Molecular Biology, 2012, 78:1-18.
- Liaoxun Lu, Fei Zhou, Yong Zhou,Xiaolei Fan, Shuifeng Ye, Lei Wang, Hao Chen & Yongjun Lin*. Expression profile analysis of the polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein genes in rice and their responses to phytohormones and fungal infection. Plant Cell Report, 2012 31(7):1173-87.
- Rongjian Ye, Fei Zhou, Yongjun Lin*. Two novel positive cis-regulatory elements involved in green tissue-specific promoter activity in rice (Oryza sativa L ssp.). Plant Cell Report,2012, 31:1159-1172.